A Time for Expression, LLC / Beth Freschi
Beth Freschi is a relaxation and life coach based in St. Paul, MN and the owner of A Time for Expression, LLC. Guided Relaxation Recordings I create guided relaxation training recordings that help people teach themselves to calm their mind, body and spirit:
• Breathing
• Muscle relaxation
• Guided imagery
• Meditation
Listen to samples at www.atimeforexpression.com
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Lately I have been intrigued by GIFs. I find this one very relaxing. May you rest well tonight... www.atimeforexpression.com
Timeline Photos
"The door of my heart will always be open for you. No matter what you do I will never take away my loving kindness. I wish for your well-being and happiness. Your happiness is my concern—my life-long concern". ~ Loving Kindness Meditation May all beings love and protect each other... www.atimeforexpression.com Photo is from the wonderful page Animalia
Timeline Photos
Do kittens use relaxation techniques? Yes, yes they do. Inhale deeply...exhale completely... Inhale relaxation...exhale tension... Inhale peace...exhale frustration... May you rest well tonight. www.atimeforexpression.com
Timeline Photos
Where will your imagination take you today? Imagine, dream, discover... http://www.atimeforexpression.com/guided-imagery Photo "Yeah, I'm Looking" by Jaxson Pohlman Photography
Timeline Photos
May you be happy May you be healthy May you ride the waves of your life May you live in peace No matter what you are given ~ Loving Kindness Meditation May all beings protect each other... www.atimeforexpression.com Photo is from the page Aimer la Nature (Love the Nature)
Timeline Photos
When I see this photo, I think of a quote about relaxation by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross: “There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of silence right in your room, your garden or even your bathtub.” ― Elisabeth Kübler-Ross May you find peace where you are, in this moment... www.atimeforexpression.com Photo from the page Pictures And Dreams
Meditation for the New Year
My latest blog post "Meditation for the New Year" talks about releasing past disappointments to make space for exciting new possibilities in your life: http://www.atimeforexpression.com/blog/2016/1/1/meditation-for-the-new-year