Calvary Community Church
Join us for worship every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Prayer Gathering 8:30-9:00 a.m. Pray for our church, community, country & world.
Connection Time, 10:00 a.m. Connect with others and enjoy a cup of coffee. At Calvary, we long to base everything we do on the Word of God, the Bible. It is our heart's desire at Calvary to understand and experience the joy of living by the Gospel. We want the Gospel to be the center of our lives. We want the Gospel to be the main thing, that which we are most passionate about.
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facebook.comSECRET CHRUCH Apr 20, 2018 - 6:00PM-12:00AM @Calvary in the Youth Room This will be a time of passionate, past-paced and solid teaching, including time for prayer for persecuted Christians! Topic: CULTS AND COUNTERFEIT GOSPELS For the good of our souls and for the sake of the church’s mission, followers of Christ need to ask, “What false gospels are being taught today?” and “How can I recognize the true gospel among so many counterfeits?” Answering these questions will be the aim of Secret Church 18, “Cults and Counterfeit Gospels.” We will consider the claims of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and other groups that claim to teach the truth. We will also explore more subtle distortions of the gospel, including prosperity teaching that is rampant across the church. In the end, our goal is to walk away from this Secret Church not only enabled to discern false gospels, but also equipped to share the true gospel with people around us and with peoples around the world. - $10/person by March 25, - After March 25 $15/person - Study Guide included - No Childcare - Beverage and snack concessions - REGISTRATION DEADLINE APRIL 1
In this snapshot from Sunday’s sermon, Pastor Matthew sets the scene for a surprising tale that happens in the midst of the dark days of the Judges of Israel. To learn about the whole story of Ruth, watch the entire sermon here:
Here are the resources for this past week’s sermon and text on the book of Ruth:
Pastor Matthew answers your questions about The Whole Story.
Tune in tonight, March 13, 7:00pm for a live Q&A time with Pastor Matthew. He will answer your questions based on where we are in The Whole Story. You can send your questions ahead of time to
The Bible declares that the reason we are here, AND the secret to a happy life, are one in the same thing. Namely, to glorify God. In this snapshot from Sunday’s sermon, Tim Tomlinson shares why Psalm 23 provides a pathway to both. Find the entire sermon here:
A NOTE FROM PASTOR MATTHEW: This coming Sunday, March 11, we will take a slight break from moving through one book at a time in The Whole Story, as I will be out of the pulpit. Tim Tomlinson, President of Bethlehem College and Seminary (my alma mater), will be preaching on the 23rd Psalm. So how is this just a slight break? Well, for those of us using the Read Scripture app to read each book of the Bible every week, you have also been reading one Psalm per day. This has been a helpful and encouraging practice, as the Psalter forms a strong foundation to our worship and prayer lives. Therefore, Tim’s sermon will serve as a very minor detour on our journey through The Whole Story. And, having spoken with Tim, and hearing how this familiar psalm has been captivating his heart, mind, and imagination in new and fresh ways, I am eager to sit in the gathering alongside you as he preaches. You won’t want to miss it, family! See you Sunday, Pastor Matthew
Mark your calendars to tune-in right here on Tuesday, March 13, 7:00pm for a live Q&A time with Pastor Matthew. He will answer your questions based on where we are in The Whole Story. You can send your questions ahead of time to
In this snapshot from Sunday, Pastor Matthew explains how the book of the Judges functions for us. Watch the entire message here:
Looking for some more resources on Judges? Click below!
SECRET CHURCH Apr 20, 2018, 6:00PM-12:00AM @Calvary in the Youth Room KNOW HIS WORD. KNOW HIS PERSECUTED. Cults and Counterfeit Gospels For the good of our souls and for the sake of the church’s mission, followers of Christ need to ask, “What false gospels are being taught today?” and “How can I recognize the true gospel among so many counterfeits?” Answering these questions will be the aim of Secret Church 18, “Cults and Counterfeit Gospels.” We will consider the claims of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and other groups that claim to teach the truth. We will also explore more subtle distortions of the gospel, including prosperity teaching that is rampant across the church. In the end, our goal is to walk away from this Secret Church not only enabled to discern false gospels, but also equipped to share the true gospel with people around us and with peoples around the world. - $10/person by March 25, - After March 25 $15/person - Study Guide included - No Childcare - Beverage and snack concessions - Registration Deadline April 1 - Register Here: