Pulse3 Foundation
We strive to create a community that is healthy and vibrant by championing causes related to the education, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease in the Great Lakes Bay Region and Thumb area.
In 2007, the physicians at the Michigan CardioVascular Institute reorganized its foundation - the MCVI Foundation - from one that solely performed medical research to one focused on providing public education, prevention and treatment programs to improve cardiac health in the communities served by the practice.
In June 2013, the MCVI Foundation announced a new name and an important change to its status as a charitable organization. Pulse3 Foundation (pronounced “pulse three”) was born, and the foundation changed from a private foundation to a public charity, as defined by the Internal Revenue Service.
To achieve our vision of a community free from heart disease, our board of directors believed the foundation needed to evolve. The issue of heart disease demands even greater involvement by people and organizations in the region.
The new name focuses on the “power of three.”The average human heart beats about three billion times in a lifetime. There are three areas that Pulse3 builds all of its efforts around: living, learning and lifesaving. There are three communities – Bay, Midland and Saginaw, as well as the entire Great Lakes Bay Region – that are coming together in unity to address a health issue that affects us all.
We are a community-based nonprofit organization dedicated to serving YOU!
Check out our 3 Billion Heartbeats Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27O7908lHs8
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facebook.comFree Hands-Only CPR Training Friday, January 5, 2018 Noon - 1 p.m. MCVI Building - 2nd Floor Pre-register at: www.pulse3.org/EventRegistration
Happy New Year! Wishing you time to reflect on the passing year and plan for exciting new adventures in 2018! Please note: our office will be closed Monday, January 1.
The president of the American Heart Association is a living example of recognizing the emergency and starting CPR as quickly as possible. This just shows, that truly, it can happen to anyone, anytime. We all need to be prepared. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/american-heart-association-president-credits-cpr-saving-life/story?id=51990315T
Did you ever wonder why cardiac events happen more in the cold months? New research explains why cold can be a trigger. https://www.everydayhealth.com/heart-attack/living-with/heres-how-cold-weather-can-trigger-heart-attack/?pos=1&xid=nl_EverydayHealthHeartHealth_20171226
They say it takes a village... Port Huron Schools has used creativity and foresight in implementing the new state law requiring students to learn CPR before graduating from high school. Congratulations to all involved!
This family will have a happier holiday this year, because their 9-year-old son knew something was wrong with his dad, and he went right away to get help. Recognizing a problem and acting quickly to get help are important factors for cardiac arrest survival. Because we never know where or when a cardiac arrest may happen, knowing what to do could help save your loved one's life. Being aware, recognizing a problem, and acting quickly increases chance of survival. Great job, Lucas! mlive.com/rockford/index.ssf/2017/12/9-year-olds_quick_reaction_hel.html
Great Gift! Great Cause! Great Fun! Looking for a great stocking stuffer for your favorite hockey fan? Tickets to the Shocks and Saves charity hockey game will fit perfectly in any stocking! And you will have time to get ready - the game is February 3, 2018! Purchase tickets by calling the Saginaw Spirit at (989) 497-6506 or online at saginawspirit.net/groupsales. Group ID: Shocks Password: Saves Tickets are only $13-$16 and include admission to the Saginaw Spirit game. Ask for a CHARITY TICKET when ordering and $5 will support the fight against heart disease.
Did you cheat on your diet last week? Maybe you missed a project deadline, or forgot to bake for a bake sale? Today's a new day and we all have the chance to make it "Day One" not just another day.
Paying attention to what we eat may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. The HeartySoul offers suggestions for keeping your arteries clog-free. https://theheartysoul.com/signs-of-clogged-arteries/
Shocks and Saves is coming! Mark your calendars: February 3, 4:30 p.m. at the Dow Event Center. Catch local doctors and paramedics skating along side Jiri Fischer, John Ogrodnick and other Red Wing Alum! Tickets can be purchased by calling the Saginaw Spirit at (989) 497-6506 or online at saginawspirit.net/groupsales. Group ID: Shocks Password: Saves Tickets: $13-16 Includes admission to the Saginaw Spirit game. Ask for a CHARITY TICKET when ordering and $5 will support the fight against heart disease.