Saginaw County, Michigan
County Governmental Center
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facebook.comCounty offices are closed Friday, March 30, 2018 in observance of Good Friday. We will return to regular hours on Monday, April 2, 2018. Have a safe and happy holiday!
Saginaw County is hosting two blood drives on Tuesday, April 3, 2018. One at Saginaw County Animal Care & Control from 10 am - 3 pm and another at the Saginaw County Department of Public Health (SCDPH) from 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm. Walk-ins are welcome and appointments are preferred. Contact Michigan Blood at 1-866-642-5663 for an appointment or more information.
The bunnies are back! Old Town Saginaw Association will host an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 31, 2018 beginning at noon. An egg hunt for children 1-3 years old will be held at Borchard Park. Children over 3 years old will then hunt for eggs on the Courthouse lawn.
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the bunnies on the Courthouse lawn and would like to extend a sincere thank you to Old Town Saginaw Association for all they do to make the annual Easter Egg Hunt a success! Consider volunteering tonight at Jake's Old City Grill to fill some eggs - sounds like a fun time and you might even make a new friend or two!
Several Departments were offered the opportunity to participate in training hosted by the Saginaw County Mental Health Authority. The goal is to help raise the public's knowledge about how to recognize and respond to mental health situations, especially before there is a crisis.
On Tuesday, February 20th, the Hemmeter Elementary Destination Imagination team received awards from the Saginaw County Board of Commissioners for the awareness they helped bring before, during, and after their project/event. The impact that this made on the community was astounding, and several of the Commissioners thanked the team for “putting Saginaw County on the map”. Their explanation of the project follows. A brief explanation of what we did: Destination Imagination is a global program that allows the kids to do one of 6 challenges. They initially meet in the beginning of the school year and decide what event to do. This year, the team decided they want to make an impact to the community and decided to perform the Service Learning challenge. We ended up visiting SCACC. It hit the kids pretty hard to see all of the animals there, so after some brainstorming, the kids asked if there was a way to show how the winter weather impacts animals. The Director stated that we could work with her officers and schedule an evening to have them spend the night outside. We discussed the variables and scheduled a date. On January 12th, we met at Apple Mountain, which is a meeting facility and ski lodge in Saginaw County. We had 2 human sized dog houses (see attached pictures), and a chair outside. There were 3 officers involved; 1 officer was in a house with blankets and had a 30 pound chain around her neck, 1 officer had a dog house with straw, and 1 officer spent the entire evening outside. Before and during the event, there was local and national news coverage, and SCACC received numerous donations. Throughout the evening, the team checked the vitals of the officers, and the outside temperature, as well as the time it took the water to freeze, and the temp inside of the houses. We did this every 30 minutes, then every hour, then every 2 hours. There came a point in which the medical equipment wouldn't even work outside due to the temperature, so we brought the officers to the door to check the vitals. Their temps dropped to dangerously low levels - .6 degrees from hypothermia in one case. The officer with the chain around her neck had to drop out of the experiment due to the fact that the chain was causing too much pain and she couldn't feel her arms. At the end of the event, it was determined through the data collected that all of the vitals for all of the officers dropped throughout the evening. Not only had the vitals dropped, but the officers were unable to do things like critically think, and they failed many of their dexterity tests. One of the students made a great point in the fact that the officers knew at some point, they would be coming inside. The animals that we were trying to be a voice for, do not know that. They have nothing to look forward to. So not only is it physically crippling for the animals, it's mentally debilitating as well. We learned a lot and it was extremely eye opening.
County offices will be closed Monday, February 19, 2018 in observance of Presidents Day
Tim Novak, County Treasurer talks with Jamie Sherrod of WNEM TV5 about the deadline for purchasing dog licenses and an upcoming rabies clinic.