Crossfit Progression
Specializing in Results. Boot Camps, CrossFit, Yoga, Running and Nutrition. CrossFit Progression offers:
CrossFit Program
Olympic Lifting Classes
Endurance Programming
Personal Training
Boot Camps
Running Programs
Obstacle Course
We have the the most complete and experienced Coaching staff in the area.
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facebook.comFront squat Wednesday #gymlife #frontsquat #crossfit #fitfam #motivation @rooyori @logidabear701 #rochestermn #rochmn
Thanks to our Friday Night Lights week 1 sponsor, Empowered Family Chiropractic!
@ndunf09 ”I cut my coaching hours down to once a week when the kids were born. Definitely some nights I just wish I could go home after training at 5AM and a long day at work. But once class starts I always end up having a good time. Tonight we had heavy odd object carries for our strength portion. Turns out I qualify as a heavy odd object. These guys carried me down and back twice unbroken. About 150 ft total. I was impressed.” @crossfitprogression @rooyori #functionalfitness #dontaskmemyweight #gymlife #fitfam #motivation #crossfit
#wisdom #gym #goals #patienceisavirtue #attitude #motivation #victorythroughpeace
Saturday morning fitness with Coach Erin. #fitfamily #partnerwod
Early morning nutrition talk. #bootcamp #rochester #mn #gym #nutrition #fitness #health
Getting some Cals! #assaultbike #crossfit #fitfam #gym #health #fitness
Nutrition is the foundation of any good Fitness/Wellness program. Starting can be tough. The professional Nutrition Coaches at Progression can help!
Monday #funday #assaultbike #crossfit #fitfam #gym #rochestermn #rochmn
Post work out chat #crossfit #fitness #gym #fitfam #coaching @sara_marie_05
Friends and Family day. Our monthly day to bring your friends and family to the gym for a work out and introduction to our facility and coaches.
So much power in this video. #strong #explosive #women #crossfit #ocr #spartan #sgx #bearspartanSGX #bearocr @candacegranberg