Summerdean Church of the Brethren
Contemporary Service: 9:00am
Traditional Service: 10:45am
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The Virlina District Men's Night was a great success - thank you to the many organizers, the men of the district who attended, and Mike Stevens for giving a great presentation!
Photos from Summerdean Church of the Brethren's post
What a great crowd for today's Golden Friends lunch!
Photos from Summerdean Church of the Brethren's post
The Friday Fellowship group had a great afternoon of games today. If this looks like fun, join us next Friday from 1-3!
Good morning! We hope to see you this Sunday in worship at 9:00 or 10:45. Also, please take note of a couple of upcoming events: 1. Youth Picnic - Virlina District will be hosting a picnic for Junior and Senior High youth (6th-12th grades) on Sat., May 20th at Camp Bethel. We will leave at 9:15 am from the church and return at 2:45 pm. 2. "Keeping it Real" - Virlina District Men's Night - Tue., May 23, 6-8pm 3. Salem Red Sox tickets to benefit RAM House - $5 tickets for June 23 game.
This weekend's events: 1. Chicken BBQ 2. Council Meeting/Meal 3. Youth Meeting 1. Don't forget to come by the church and pick up your chicken BBQ from 4-7 Saturday evening. 2. After worship Sunday, we will have a pot luck meal followed by church council. 3. Youth meeting, Sunday May 7th at 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. All youth are invited to attend.
Photos from Summerdean Church of the Brethren's post
BBQ preparations went well today. Chicken will be on in a few hours. Come and get from 4-7 Saturday afternoon!
These kids wanted to invite you all to our upcoming Chicken BBQ!
The Compassion Experience
Please take note of this week's announcements: 1. Carry-in meal 2. Compassion Experience 3. Jr./Sr. High Youth Meeting 4. Chicken BBQ 5. May Church Council Meeting 1. Following the conclusion of second service, we will have a carry-in meal this Sunday. 2. Compassion Experience is coming to the Church of the Holy Spirit from April 21-24th. The program raises awareness of children's poverty around the world. The event is free but registration is needed. Go to to register. 3. Jr. and Sr. High students along with their parents are invited to attend a meeting with Pastor Adam on Sunday, April 30 from 6-7:30 pm at the church. 4. Chicken BBQ meals will be available for take out on Saturday, May 6th from 4-7pm. If you need tickets please pick up tickets in the Fellowship Hall, or message this page. If you would like to help with the BBQ, sign-up sheets are located next to the office. 5. Sunday, May 7th is church council meeting. We need all Commissions Reports in the office this Sunday the 23rd.
Happy Easter! He is risen!
Coming up: - Love Feast - Thur. April 13- 6pm - Easter Sunday 7:00 am - Community Sunrise Service - Breakfast to follow 9:30 am - All Sunday School classes meet 10:45 am - Worship with Renacer (The nursery and Children's Church will be offered during the worship service.)
Photos from Summerdean Church of the Brethren's post
Thanks to everyone who came out and worked today! Looks great!
Special Help Wanted for Saturday's Work Day: Curb scraping and painting - we need several volunteers to scrape the old yellow paint off the curbs, and re-paint them. We still plan to pull weeds and put down fresh mulch if curb painting isn't your thing! We hope to see you Saturday!