Debby Williams Parelli Professional
I am a Licensed Parelli Professional
2 Star Instructor
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Every partnership has responsibilities to the partnership. In the horse/human partnership each has 4 responsibilities. The horse's are: 1. Don't act like a prey animal, learn to act like a partner. 2. Maintain gait/don't change gait. 3. Don't change direction. 4. Watch where you are going/watch where your feet are going. The human's responsibilities: 1. Don't act like a predator. Learn to act like a partner. 2. Have an independent seat/feet. 3. Learn to think like a horse. 4. Use the natural power of focus. To do this both you and your horse need to be Mentally, Emotionally and Physically fit. Learning this Principal #4 of the 8 Parelli Principles and keeping it in mind will greatly help you along with your Journey. I am here to help if you would like more information creating this kind of relationship.
Parelli E-News
Do you know the zones of a horse? Know which zone to talk to, to move your horse. Where is the delicate zone?Help your horse be confident with you in all zones. Learn how at