City of Rexburg
The city of Rexburg was founded in March 1883 when an intrepid group of pioneers decided to settle along the banks of the Teton River. They had been sent by church leaders in Salt Lake City, under the direction of Thomas E. Ricks, to settle the Upper Snake River Valley. The new community, named Rexburg after their leader (Ricks being German for Rex or King) quickly attracted men and women eager to bring industry and civilization to the West. By the time Idaho entered the Union as the 43rd state in 1890, Rexburg was the second largest city in the state.
The city fathers recognized education and commerce as essential ingredients to building a strong, family centered community. Before the end of their first year in the valley, while setting out to cultivate and irrigate the semiarid land, the city fathers found time to organize Bannock Stake Academy the first primary school in the area. In 1888, just five years after its initial settlement, civic and church leaders founded Ricks Academy, eventually becoming Ricks College (the largest private junior college in the US) and later (2001) Brigham Young University-Idaho, a four year liberal arts college.
Brigham Young University-Idaho is one of the fastest growing universities in the entire country. It attracts talented students from around the world to study, and this diversity adds to Rexburg’s culture. The University’s unique three-track system allows more students to attend the University while Rexburg benefits from the yearlong presence of the students. Student population for each track is nearing 15,000 a semester.
In addition to higher education, Rexburg boasts excellent elementary and high schools. Madison High School recently moved to brand new facilities; two new elementary schools Burton, and South Fork Elementaries have increased total student capacity for Rexburg by 800 students. With a student to teacher ratio of 15:1 Rexburg is an ideal location to raise a family.
Set within an hours drive of two major National Parks, Yellowstone and Teton, Rexburg’s fishing, hunting, camping and outdoor recreation activities are year round. St. Anthony Sand dues are a nationally recognized, year round destination for off road enthusiasts.
As Rexburg enters the second decade of the twenty first century it is uniquely placed to take advantage of its location, people and limitless potential. Its location near interstate 15 and US Highways 20 and 33 make it a gateway to Jackson Hole, WY; Butte, MT; Sun Valley Idaho; and communities in between. Its educated workforce is willing and able to meet the expectations and challenges of an increasingly globalized marketplace.
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facebook.comDon't forget about the Youth Triathlon tomorrow morning, August 26th at Rexburg Rapids @ Riverside Park.
HHW Clean up
The Rexburg Chamber created this short video about the Great American Eclipse. See what our visitors had to say about our amazing community.
With overwhelming positive feedback from the many solar eclipse visitors to this great area, The City of Rexburg would like to thank all who helped make Rexburg the best place to be for the Solar Eclipse. Volunteers are invited to attend Rexburg Rapids for free tonight, August 22nd from 6-8. The general public is also invited to attend at half-price with up to 40% off concessions.
Welcome to Rexburg! We hope everyone enjoys the Solar Eclipse from one of our many prime viewing locations. For more information, please visit
With the large crowds expected to show up on Monday for the Eclipse in the City Parks, there's bound to be some cleanup needed. Join us at 4 pm on Monday August 21st @ Riverside Park (Rexburg Rapids) for the world's Largest Family Night! We'll need all the help we can to cleanup trash and restore our parks to their beautful state. Meet in front of Rexburg Rapids @ Riverside Park and receive FREE REXBURG RAPIDS PASSES for a Tuesday night (August 22nd) volunteer exclusive at the pool. Remember to signin so we can get you on the list for the pool party.
Our Recycling company is not going to run Monday due to the possibility of increased traffic during and after the Eclipse. The Monday recycling will be added to the Tuesday route for next week only. This only applies to recycling. Thank you in advance for your patience.
Here is the recording of the community meeting for the upcoming solar eclipse. There is a lot of good information for residents and businesses.
FREE Movie in the Park TONIGHT (August 10th) at the Beehive Pavilion at Porter park! Bring blankets and chairs at 9:15 pm and enjoy FREE POPCORN and "The Lego Batman." Presented by Beehive Federal Credit Union & The City of Rexburg.
Join us for a family friendly star gazing event the weekend of the eclipse. The Los Angeles Astronomical Society (LAAS) is hosting a free Star Party for local residents and visitors on August 19th at 8:30 pm at Riverside Park (Rexburg Rapids). The LAAS does about 5-10 educational outreach events across Los Angeles each month, including star parties at schools, libraries, and a large monthly star party at Griffith Observatory where we serve up to 500 visitors each time. Our members love sharing their equipment, knowledge, and awe of the night sky wonders. • Riverside Star Party will be 8:30-11:30 p.m., Saturday, August 19, 2017. • LAAS members will arrive starting at 7:00 to set up their telescopes and binoculars on stands. • Sunset will be at 8:24, so viewing will be very limited until it gets dark at about 9:30. • All ages are welcome, and we will have step ladders for the children. • Objects to be viewed: planets (Saturn and possibly Neptune), constellations, double stars, open star clusters, and if it is dark enough and there is a clear view towards the horizons, galaxies, nebulae, globular clusters, and more. • Members will start packing up at 11:30, and should be cleared out by 12:00 or 12:15.