Rexburg's ScareTower
Scariest Attraction in Rexburg, with something more family friendly at our down town straw maze
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facebook.comWho is excited for the Eclipse??!!! We have some fun things planned and we are inviting everyone to come and enjoy with us!!! See you there, don't for get to SHARE!
We are OPEN All this WEEK Mon-Thr 7pm-11pm Fri-Sat 7pm-Midnight
We would love to have you for dinner!!! This WEEK Mon-Thr 7pm-11pm Fri-Sat 7pm-Midnight
if these wall could talk...
Sometimes cooking can be so messy!
Take a deep breath, what you don't see can't hurt you....
Yes its true, DATE NIGHT!!! We are open all this week! M-Thr 7pm-11pm, Fri-Sat 7pm-Midnight!