CrossFit Bel-Red
Welcome to CrossFit Bel-Red! A world class space with a humble community in constant pursuit of progress. CrossFit isn’t just about the exercise, or WOD (Workout of the Day). CrossFit is about community and for many, it’s an experience that quickly becomes a lifestyle. At CrossFit Bel-Red your experience is one that’s welcoming, supportive, educational, challenging, safe, and motivating. We want to gain your trust, infuse you into our community and support your personal pursuit of progress. No matter your fitness level, your goals, or your CrossFit experience, if you’re interested in CrossFit and willing to step outside of your comfort zone, be supported by great coaches and the team that makes up the CrossFit Bel-Red community, you’ve come to the right place.
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September is HERE! Time to get back on the gain train. We have a great month of programming in store courteous of Coach Josh and Coach Sol. A few updates for September: 1. Labor Day Classes - 8am and 9:30am (No open gym or CFK) 2. We will be putting another team together for the September Whole Life Challenge. If you are wanting to improve your lifestyle habits or just get things back on track after Summer, this will be great for you! To get signed up follow the link and add yourself to the CrossFit BelRed team 3. September Out of The Box Challenge - 30 Day Squat Challenge - Accumulate 10 minutes in the bottom of a squat daily - Duration can be split throughout the day but must be at least 10 minutes - Take an initial and post challenge picture of your squat position to see your improvement over the course of the month (you will be amazed at your improvements!) - Post your progress pictures and tag us on Facebook and Instagram @crossfitbelred #30daysquatchallenge #outofthebox - If you complete all 30 days, you will be entered into a drawing for a $20 Gift Card to Caveman Evolution
The Muscle Snatch: You're Probably Doing it Wrong
Great article on how to properly perform the muscle snatch in order to effectively apply/improve the 3rd pull of the snatch. Give it a quick read! The better understanding of what your trying to do, the more likely you are to do it.
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Congratulations to Scott and Prince placing in the top 10 of the master's team division at the Elysian Games. Way to represent fellas!
Carl Paoli
The dreaded double unders are a nemesis for many. Here are some great tips and drills to practice on your own. Get these drills dialed and you'll be spinning dubs in no time! The key here is PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.
6 Nutrition Myths the Fitness Industry Has Sold You
Over the years, the fitness industry has created a plethora of misconceptions in the area of nutrition. Here are 6 myths that are considered "healthy eating" but may not be so healthy after all. #CrossFit #nutritionmyths #cfbelred #constantlyvaried #moreyoked #getrooted #fruitytooty #proteinoverload #greenmeansgo
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August Programming Template and Out of the Box Challenge! Out of the Box Challenge - Max Burpees accumulated though out the month of August. The winner will get at $50 PRO Sports Club gift card! Rules - 1. Burpees must meet movement standard. Chest and quads to the ground and full hip extension, jump and clap over head at the top. 2. We will be using the honor code for your total burpees, but each Wednesday (3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st) your daily totals for the week need to be posted to the CrossFit Bel-Red Facebook Page. Feel free to add in a burpee selfie or time lapse video. We would love to see everyone in action! 3. Be honest and have fun!
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We are officially past the half way mark though 2016! Lets keep making progress on those goals for this year. July will be another month to keep making progress. 1% better everyday! We also have our Out of the Box Challenge for July. This months challenge is to Get Outside! Each week your goal is to do an activity outdoors and post a picture of your adventure to the CrossFit Bel-Red Facebook page with the following hashtags #cfbelred #outoftheboxchallenge #getoutside We will put everyone's name into a drawing who completes the challenge for a chance to program a Saturday WOD for the box. We look forward to seeing everyone's adventures/activities over the next month!
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Are you board with your current workout routine? Ready to take the next step in reaching your fitness goals? Now is your opportunity to take advantage of this limited time offer. Its time to join the health club of your dreams and break out of your workout slump with CrossFit Bel-Red! Contact our membership team today at or (425) 885-5566 to find out more!
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Thank you to everyone who came out yesterday for the Memorial Day Murph. Each one of you showed true grit in completing a very challenging hero WOD, as well as, paying tribute to all the service men and women who have given their lives for our country and freedom. Junes programming is here and will, without a doubt, be another month to improve your fitness and hit lots of new PRs! We will also be having a community event on Saturday, June 25th. There will be no classes that day but instead will be playing kickball.... CrossFit style! After an epic battle of kickball, we will have a BBQ. Location, time and event details to come but in the meantime be sure to Save The Date.
CrossFit Bel-Red's cover photo
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May's Programming Template. Josh and Sol cooked up lots of goodies for us this month. Let the fitness gains begin!
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Attention CF Bel-Red athletes! We are planning to get a big group of us signed up to compete in the CANWEST Games competition. The competition starts this week with a 4 week online qualifier similar to the open. This is should be a fun competition for all of us. It has something for all skill levels. Please register for Tribe - CrossFit Bel-Red2, The registration link is www.CANWESTGAMES.COM Let us know if you have any questions. Registration must be completed by May 3, 2016 so act fast! The qualifier starts May 4.