OT Clubhouse
Serving Children in Motion The OT Clubhouse offers clinic and community-based occupational therapy services for children and young adults with a variety of needs throughout the Eastside.
Occupational therapy can meet a variety of developmental needs. Some children arrive with a diagnosis and referral in hand from another professional.
Some parents find us on their own, their children having no diagnosis, but with a hunch that they seem to be struggling in some way.
Motor or cognitive skills, attention, and sensory processing differences may be causing breakdowns at school, home, and the community.
Occupational therapy impacts those activities that occupy our time: meeting basic self-care needs, playing, learning, working, moving, managing our time, money, transportation, even our bodies--in other words, everyday living.
Whether you need help in basic life skills, you'd like to supplement your young child's school-based therapies, or want to start addressing broader life skills for an older child or young adult, the OT Clubhouse targets life where it is lived.
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