Bethel Church, Redding
A congregation rooted in the love of God and dedicated to worldwide transformation through revival.
"On EARTH as it is in HEAVEN"
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facebook.comFebruary is a time of reflecting on and celebrating the heritage, beauty, strength, courage, and wisdom of Black History. Upon its creation, President Ford said of celebrating Black History Month, "We can seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history." Tonight, we're excited to host an evening of education, inspiration, and celebration in honor of this special month at 6pm in our College View Sanctuary! If you're here in Redding, we hope you can join us!
Over the last three days, we've experienced God move in powerful ways, giving hope, strength, and life people during the Prophetic Conference. We believe that God is calling each of us to new levels in the prophetic, and equipping the saints to draw nearer to His heart. #propheticconference
The consistent invitation of God to humanity is to draw near to Him. He is our Creator, and knows us through and through. As we partner with God through the prophetic, we have the opportunity to release encounters with His love and His intimate knowledge of those we meet. #propheticconference
Throughout this year's Prophetic Conference, we've taken time to pray with and for one another. We've gone after breakthrough, deeper connection with God, greater encounters in the secret place, and more anointing to partner with heaven. We believe that these invitations are open to all of us, and whether you're here with us in person, joining us via Bethel TV, or are simply reading this, know that we are praying for you, too, to receive everything that God has for you in this season!
Our "yes" to Him brings clarity to every other decision in our lives. When we hear His voice and know what He's calling us to, we can live and walk in the confidence that only He can bring. Havilah Cunnington shared an amazing word with us tonight and we are so excited to start our final day of the conference tomorrow, join us for updates! #propheticconference
"Prophecy is to tell people who they are - not what they aren’t." - Hayley Braun. The prophetic pulls to the surface the destiny inside of each life that God has created. As we partner with heaven, we impart hope, courage, and strength for the journey ahead. #propheticconference
God has made each of us unique, and has invited each of us to be as near to Him as we want to be. He knows each of us by name, and is intimately familiar with every piece of who He has created us to be. With such intentionality, and such an invitation to friendship and intimacy with Him, there’s no reason to try to be someone else. You are His favorite you - and there is no one else like you. #propheticconference
"You need to find your people more than another prophetic word. Your destiny is in your people. God never gives you a vision that you can fulfill on your own. Normally, the word takes a bunch of people. Connection and accountability is important for prophetic people." - Kris Vallotton. Tonight's Prophetic Conference kicked off with a powerful message from Kris about cultivating the prophetic in your life and stewarding it well. #propheticconference
Join us for the Prophetic Conference!
“Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God.” - Billy Graham. We are tremendously thankful for the life of Billy Graham, who preached in person to more than 100 million people and to millions more via media, and who lived a life of integrity, passion, and pursuit of God above all else.
We're always inspired and encouraged by people who pursue God's dream for their lives and discover new layers of purpose. Havilah Cunnington is one of those people, and is one of the key speakers at this year's Prophetic Conference which starts tomorrow. She is also hosting a live event here in Redding, called Purpose in just a few short weeks. If you want to discover more about God's dream for your life and the purpose you're called to, go to to find out more details on this training.
In honor of Black History Month, join us for a night of education, inspiration and celebration. This special event will be on Saturday, February 24th from 6pm to 8pm in the Bethel Main Sanctuary. Following the performances there will be an interactive "talk back" session where you can dialogue with the performing artists.