Blessed Sacrament Religious Education
We are the Religious Education department of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. We Serve students K-9th grade who are developing their Catholic faith.
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This a throw back to the last Sunday class of RE this year. Already prepping for next year!
Photos from Blessed Sacrament Religious Education's post
Wonderful night serving dinner to our amazing volunteers! Thank you all for making our church work! ❤
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Come be a part of our summer program! Registration opening soon!
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The Blessed Mother
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May Crowning
Useful Gen
The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not Want. - Psalm23:1
Why the only future worth building includes everyone
If you haven't seen this's totally worth 18 minutes of your time.
West Aurora School District 129
Does that middle face look familiar? It should! She is one of our parishioners and a 7th grader in our RE classes. Congratulations, Lizzy, for being the 1st place middle schooler at the SD129 district speech contest!
GOD will make a way, when there seems no way
GOD will make a way, when there seems no way
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Is it really the last day of Religious Education for the 2016-17 year? Wow, that went fast! Thank you to our wonderful catechists who so reliably taught our kids each week for the last 8 months. You are amazing! Our volunteers are who make our church work!