Benton Air Center
Benton Air Center is a full service FBO providing flight training, ground school, aircraft fuel and maintenance, courtesy car, and restoration services. Benton Air Center is a full service FBO providing aircraft maintenance, fuel (Jet and 100LL) tie downs, flight school, airport cafe serving breakfast and lunch + beer and wine, an aircraft viewing area, pedal planes for kids, courtesy car for pilots, and a 4 hole putting green for your enjoyment. We host a Car / Plane Show N Shine every 2nd Saturday, and an aviation movie night every Saturday 7-9pm. Scenic Flights around Lake Shasta are available in our Cessna 172s, or WWII Stearman Biplane, and Warbird Rides are available in our T-34, L-19 Bird Dog. Gift Certificates are available as well as financing for flight training.
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facebook.comGreenskeeper Carl Spackler is about to start World War III – against a gopher. Pompous Judge Smalls plays to win but his nubile niece Lacey Underall wants to score her own way. Playboy Ty Webb shoots perfect golf by becoming the ball. And country club loudmouth Al Czervik just doubled a $20,000 bet on a 10-foot putt. Insanity? No. Caddyshack. Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Bill Murray and Ted Knight tee off for a side-splitting round of fairway foolishness that does for golf what National Lampoon’s Animal House did for fraternities and Police Academy did for law enforcement. With Harold Ramis (National Lampoon’s Vacation, Analyze This) directing, the virtuoso skills of all four blend into a riotous hole-in-one for comedy fans.
Today at Benton Air Center: We Found our Missing Kat!
IFR Ground School -- Tuition $375
Today at Benton, one of our Student Pilots, Tyler D-10 received his private pilots license! Congratulations Tyler, we are all very proud of you.
Benton AWOS now in service: 118.675 or 530 225 4183
Sponsored by EAA Chapter 157 and the Mount Shasta 99's. Kids can fly for free as an introduction to aviation at Benton Air Center. Come early / stay later and enjoy breakfast or lunch in the Airpark Cafe. GET THERE EARLY AS FLIGHTS ARE LIMITED: FIRST COME FIRST SERVED:
Flight Training Scholarship Applications Now Open! The AOPA Foundation and the You Can Fly High School Aviation Initiative are helping high school students and AOPA members, ages 15 and up, reach their aviation goals through the 2018 Flight Training Scholarship Program. To learn about all of AOPA's scholarship opportunities for teens and adults, click here. • The You Can Fly High School Aviation Initiative will award 20 scholarships, at $5,000 each, to deserving teens who are passionate about earning their primary pilot certificate. Learn more. • The AOPA Foundation is offering multiple primary certification scholarships, ranging from $2,500 to $7,500, to AOPA members ages 16 and up who want to pursue a Sport, Recreational, or Private Pilot certificate. Learn more. • New this year is the AOPA Foundation's advanced rating scholarship program open to paid AOPA members interested in pursuing their Instrument, Commercial, CFI, CFII, or MEI rating or certificate. Scholarship awards range from $3,000 to $10,000. Learn more. The deadline for scholarship applications is May 2, 2018, 12:00 p.m. EDT
Shelter Cove Airport --- Benton Fly out Destination Tomorrow. Take off at around 11am for lunch.
Our new old beacon is back in service thanks to Bryant G and the airport staff!