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Champion Nutrition

6520 Raytown Rd, Suite E, Raytown, United States
Smoothie & Juice Bar



Our Mission is to change people’s lives by providing the best nutritional products, world-class coaching, and a community of love and encouragement. We are a nutritional counseling center featuring a fully functional smoothie and sample bar! We offer 1-on-1 coaching, weight loss consulting, healthy active lifestyle events, full skin line, and lots of community support!!! We love helping people get healthy & fit!!!


Good morning!!! Good morning!!! Stop by today to see us? Do we have any tea drinking followers? 🙌 below if this is you!

Here we GROW!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Just got back from an incredible networking event with the Raytown Area Chamber of Commerce, stop by and see us. We are here!!

🚨🚨🚨PSA: WE WILL BE CLOSED TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, AUG 23rd from 1030am-130pm. We will be attending our very first Raytown Area Chamber of Commerce members luncheon tomorrow! For those in attendance, we look forward to meeting you tomorrow!! 🚨🚨🚨

Stop by today to see Kimberly! She's here until 5!!!! Come get your breakfast or lunch, and enjoy a refreshing energy boosting tea!!!

Which elementary teacher had the greatest impact on you as an individual, and why?

On the 5th day of Reeesults, the ol' scale said to meee...... 🎶🎅🏾🎅🏼🎺🎁🎄🎶 7 LBS DOOOWN!!!!!! 4 inches lost...... 2 shakes for him..... & a whoooole-lotta-enerrrggyyyyy Congratulations on your results Eric!!! Cheers to many more and a VERY HAPPY WEEKEND!!! Keep up the great work!!!

Who owns/operates/manages a business in Raytown, MO? (And likes FREE?)

🎉🎉🎉🎉 RESULTS ALERT 🎉🎉🎉🎉 SPECIAL RECOGNITION GOING OUT TO JENNIE!!!! Down 6lbs her first week!!!! Great Job!!!! Keep up the great work!!!

Does your limeade give YOU energy?

🎉🎉🎉BACK TO SCHOOL🎉🎉🎉 As a special gift to the staff and students of the Raytown C-2 School District, Champion Nutrition is offering their Smoothie and Energizing Tea combos for $3 off with School ID for the rest of the week! Extended open hours for all to make it!! Raytown Touchdown Club Raytown Senior High School Raytown South High School Raytown School District

Good morning Champion Family!! As we round out the week, we are looking for 10 People who are serious about changing up their health for the better, whether it's for weight loss, muscle gain, or just more energy! What we are looking for: - People to drop some excess weight - Drop a dress or pant size or two - Get toned - Lead a healthy lifestyle - Meal skippers What you will get: - A FREE Wellness Profile - Coaching - Full Support - Pre/Post Weight/Measurements - Custom Meal Plan - Recipe/snack list - At Home Workout Routine Comment below or contact us directly at: 💻 And don't worry... WE WONT tweet those numbers.


NEAR Champion Nutrition