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First United Methodist Church - Rantoul

200 S Century Blvd, Rantoul, United States
Religious Organization



Growing a Community in Christ
We have two opportunities to worship each week: Sunday Worship at 8am and 10:15am Attract the un-churched that they may grow their faith of salvation through Jesus Christ. Care for and develop the congregation, that they may grow knowledge in their faith and love for Christ our Lord. Engage & equip those who wish to serve, that they may grow the community of Christian fellowship in the world and spread the Good News


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It's our last Sunday to hear the handbells until next fall. Come on out to the church at 8:00 or 10:15 this weekend!

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Pastor Don Follis of Pastor-to-Pastor initiative, will be leading a seminar at Rantoul First UM Church this Saturday, April 29, from 8:30-Noon, called "Grieving in a Forward Direction." Part of living means dealing with many kinds of loss, and the seminar will give us tools to effectively work through our losses in life. Come on over this Saturday to the Fellowship Hall and join us.

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The flower beds and trees in the church yard are looking beautiful! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the work and to purchasing flowers. Thank you to God!

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Our kids enjoyed finding Easter eggs in the church yard this morning. Thanks for the pic from Jen McCallister. Jesus Christ is risen!

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Sunrise service in the chapel at 6:30 in the morning. Kevin Little leading. Breakfast available afterward until 9:15. 8:00 worship and then 10:15 with bells and choir music. Come celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord!

Photos from First United Methodist Church - Rantoul's post

It's Holy Week! The set is in place for Thursday's Passion drama at 7pm at the Gathering Place. Palm Sunday has come and gone. Good Friday Service is 7pm in the main sanctuary, and Easter Sunrise is in the chapel at 6:30. Thanks be to God for a special week!

Photos from First United Methodist Church - Rantoul's post

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It was a great day at the church watching the children tell about Jesus!

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Good times at First Sunday Lunch today. Thanks to our guys for the grilled chicken, to the men's and women's groups for working together, and for this awesome group of children who enjoyed their lunch together.

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Here's a great way to pray for our children, grandchildren, or children in the church...

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Come Sunday for an intriguing piece of music at worship! Only 2 people will be playing all of these bells in one song. Both services will be able to enjoy!

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Worship services are at noon and 7pm on March 1.

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NEAR First United Methodist Church - Rantoul