Rhode Island College (RIC)
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facebook.comRIC's baseball field now bears the name of former coach Arthur Pontarelli. At dedication ceremonies last weekend renaming the field in Pontarelli's honor, WPRI Fox Providence produced this "hometown hero'' piece which aired yesterday.
In an article published in the current issue of The Artist's Magazine, RIC Professor of Art Richard Whitten advises artists on how to research and apply for residencies, grants and internships.
Diversity Week at RIC continues today with two free events. A forum, "Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students in Special Education,'' will take place 4-5 p.m. in the President's Dining Room in Donovan Dining Center. Participants will learn about social and educational factors that cause overrepresentation in learning disability, speech impairment and emotional/behavioral disturbance programs among culturally and linguistically diverse students. This discussion is sponsored by the Department of Special Education. From 7-9 p.m. in Gaige Hall 200, a diverse panel will gather for "Love Shouldn't Hurt,'' a forum about domestic violence. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This event is sponsored by Omega Phi Beta Sorority Inc.
It's Diversity Week 2017 at RIC and many free events are happening all over campus. This afternoon, be sure not to miss the screening of "I Am Not Your Negro,'' an incendiary documentary that envisions how acclaimed author James Baldwin would have completed a book he was writing about the lives and assassinations of his iconic civil rights friends: Medgar Evers, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. Baldwin left behind only 30 pages of the manuscript before his death in 1987. The screening is from 4 to 6 p.m. today in Alger Hall 110 and sponsored by RIC's Open Books Open Minds Committee.
RIC MainStage Theatre's production of "Middletown'' continues its run tonight and Saturday, Sept. 30 at 7:30 p.m. and at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 1 in the Helen Forman Theatre. The play explores the universe of a small American town. As a friendship develops between longtime resident John Dodge and new arrival Mary Swanson, the lives of the inhabitants of Middletown intersect in strange and poignant ways in a journey that takes them from the local library to outer space and points between. General admission is $15; seniors (62+, limit 1 per ID) $12; non-RIC students (limit 1 per ID) $10; RIC faculty, staff and alumni (limit 2 per ID) $5 and RIC students (limit 2 per ID) $5
We're mere hours away from tonight's two big RICFest events, and it's not too late to register! Return to RIC Reunion kicks off at 5:30 p.m. in ALEX AND ANI Hall with members of the classes of 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012 celebrating with their peers. Friends of alumni are welcome to attend as well. Admission is $10. Register at ricfestreunion.eventbrite.com The Student Union 50th Anniversary and Reunion Celebration starts at 6 p.m. in RIC's Donovan Dining Center. Admission is $20. This event is a time for those who frequently spent time in the Student Union to share their memories about the "heartbeat'' of the campus. To register for this 21+ plus event, visit ricstudentunion50.eventbrite.com
President Sánchez speaks with ReNewable Now Network about RIC's recent 2017 Green Ribbon School award
Make your way back for the Return to RIC Reunion, starting at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in the ALEX AND ANI Hall lobby and lounge. The event will feature heavy appetizers, wine and beer, dessert, special souvenirs, photo booth and an opportunity to reconnect with classmates and friends, meet and greet with faculty and RIC President Frank D. Sánchez. Entertainment will also be provided by DJ Norday ’12, M.S.W. ’13. Register now at ricfestreunion.eventbrite.com!
The wait is over! RICFest 2017 starts tonight with a kickoff party at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union and Ducey Media Center Outdoor Patio. Tonight's party, which is FREE, will feature a BBQ cookout and food trucks, live band karaoke, dancing and giveaways. Registration is required, and there's still time to do it! Visit ricfestkickoff.eventbrite.com. This kickoff party is sponsored in part by Student Community Government.
RIC President Frank Sánchez and deans from the college's five schools will host a FREE RICFest breakfast at 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 30, in Donovan Dining Center. Come one, come all for an opportunity to chat with RIC leaders about the latest innovative efforts and collaborative ventures taking place on campus. Registration to attend the breakfast is required. Sign up at ricfestprezbreakfast.eventbrite.com.
A six-week experience at a vocal academy in France expanded Orlando Montalvo's horizons within the world of opera.
It's here! RICFest 2017 starts tomorrow with a kickoff party in the Student Union and Ducey Media Center Outdoor Patio. Join in all the fun and enjoy food trucks & BBQ cookout, live band karaoke with Maxxtone (the Northeast's leading live band karaoke show), dancing and giveaways. Registration is required at ricfestkickoff.eventbrite.com. Time to get this party started!