Vassar College Democrats
We are The Vassar Democrats, a student run organization which promotes Democratic beliefs on the Vassar campus and community. We are The Vassar Democrats, VC's student run organization which promotes Democratic beliefs here on campus. In addition to weekly meetings, we actively support both local and national democratic causes. We volunteer for numerous politicians, ranging from our hometown state senator to the President of our country. In addition to volunteering for Democrats in office, we also advocate crucial issues of our time, such as marriage equality and women's rights. You find out more about who we are and what we do by friending us on Facebook or sending us a message. Better yet, attend one of our weekly meetings, all are welcome!
Executive Board 2013 - 2014:
President: Marty Ascher '16
VP of On Campus Activity: Seth Bynum '15
VP of Off Campus Activity: Sebastian Lasseur Ascher '16
Treasurer: Elias Kim '16
Secretary: Angela Mentel '15
Communications Director: Conor Flanagan '17
CDNY Liaison: Chris Dietz '17
Tell your friends
facebook.comWe are tabling today in the college center! We have scripts, so come call your congressional representative to express outrage about the passage of the American Health Care Act, James Comey, and a variety of other issues.
Check out our first newsletter!
This is not over. Call your representatives, the bill goes to the Senate next. This is a list of every representative and how they voted today:
The (100% real, 0% photoshopped) Vassar College Democrats Board 2017-2018 Portrait!
Congratulations to our 2017-2018 Executive Board: President: Lizzie Chadbourne VP of On-Campus Activities: Emmett Weiss VP of Off-Campus Activities: Yase Smallens Treasurer: Seth Molwitz Secretary: Ivanna Guerra Navarro Communications Director: Cece Bobbitt
Saturday in Rocky 200 from 12pm-2pm! Please RSVP* at If you have not RSVPd, you can still attend!
If you cannot make the debate tonight, follow along @DemsVC
Even in 2017, women and femmes are underrepresented in politics. This panel and post-conversation lunch aims to provide members of the Vassar community with opportunities to learn about careers in law in politics, hear stories from successful people in political fields, and create stronger networks among each other and the panelists.* Hosted by Vassar Democrats, the Women's Center, Jewett House, and TBD. *Everyone is welcome! This is not an affinity space!
Happy Earth Day! Here are two things we are reading today:
We are excited to welcome journalist Lily Herman to campus to talk about her political coverage for Teen Vogue and building a career in journalism! Read her most recent article on Jeff Sessions' remarks about Hawaii:
There is a "contradiction in women’s involvement in politics: Too much focus on gender can decrease the breadth of female candidates’ appeal and their electability, but gender equity has proved impossible to achieve without women’s voices championing it."