Karate Quest Dojo Port Jervis
The Karate Quest Dojo has been serving the residents and neighbors of Port Jervis, NY since 2011 (as well as Warwick, NY since 1996) with a unique blend of excitement, motivation and caring for our students that helps them reach their full potential. We offer instruction in Traditional Karate, Sport Karate and Self-Defense to Men, Women and Children Ages Four and Above. We teach Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate-Do, Ryukyu Kobudo (classical weapons) and Iaido (Japanese Swordsmanship).
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“Oh, hello Friday. Where the heck were you on Wednesday when I really needed you?”
Photos from Karate Quest Dojo Port Jervis's post
Working for the Weekend!!! www.KarateQuestDojo.com
Time to Get Strong!!! www.KarateQuestDojo.com
Time to Focus!!! www.KarateQuestDojo.com
Time to Work!!! www.KarateQuestDojo.com
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"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears." - Les Brown
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Enthusiasm rubs off, especially when it comes to learning new things. Share your interests with your family!
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Activities like martial arts are a fun way for both boys and girls to achieve fitness and focus. Some parents may think they also promote violence, but according to experts, the martial arts actually help teach self-discipline and socialization skills. Contact Karate Quest Dojo Port Jervis in Port Jervis at http://karatequestdojo.com to sign up now. Source website: https://goo.gl/ariEjW
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"Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly." - Stephen R. Covey
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Be specific in your compliments so your words don't ring hollow. Kids know fake praise when they hear it, and they can smell fear. Find what truly makes each experience extraordinary.
Respect for self has to happen first! www.KarateQuestDojo.com
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