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First Broker Realty

101 S Main St, Pomona, United States
Real estate



Residential real estate - Short Sales - First time home buyers


Did You Attend Our Opportunity Night? Are You Ready To Join One Of The Fastest Growing Companies Who Is Revolutionizing The Real Estate Industry? Are You Wondering WHY We Have Been Nicknamed "The GRATEFUL Company?" TAG Someone Who Would Say Yes To Any Of These Questions To Invite Them To Come To Our FREE Seminar Tomorrow At 9AM. #FirstBrokerRealty #TheGratefulCompany #TheLeverageCompany #BuildingPeopleFirst #DreamSizeTeamSize

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If I could show you the opportunity to make 30-40k part time with out having to quitting your job or leaving school, would you be interested? First Broker Realty will be hosting an Opportunity Night Thursday @ 7pm. To Attend Contact Us Today! #FirstBrokerRealty #TheGratefulCompany #TheLeverageCompany #DreamSizeTeamSize #BuildingPeopleFirst

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This Wednesday We Welcome a SUPER Dear Friend Of Ours... With MORE Than 20 Years Experience In Business... Stay Tuned To Find Out What Entrepreneur We Will Be Learning From This Week!

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Who Told You That - Ep 09

Check Out Today's Episode of #WhoToldYouThat #Monday


The Blue First Broker Realty Polo Is Only Given Out To LICENSED Agents. Every Monday The Licensed Agents (And Licensed Agents Only) Attend A 'Maintenance' Meeting. They Wear BLUE In Solidarity.


Who else is excited about the new episode coming out this Monday? 🤔 #WhoToldYouThat #Mondays Tag someone who should #bingewatch the whole series! Don't forget to like, share and subscribe 👍🏻

I have made it a point in my life philosophy not to throw Pearls at swine, but today I will make an exception.... This is for a broker that is saying that they are irritated because of a new real estate company claiming that you can make 30 to 40k part time in real estate.. That would be us.😀 That we are treating real estate like "flipping burgers"... This is for you. Management at our company is professional and tenured in business with a proven track record. We spare no expense from tutoring to get people licensed to sales training and specific training from each and every one of our partners in business. We believe in BEGINNING part time but this is not the end point. Maybe if people transitioned into real estate they wouldn't find themselves desperately needing a commission check and focusing on their own needs versus the client's needs. This industry is plagued with this sort of attitude. We have put together a support system that is proven with part-time people making money and clients being treated with utmost respect and service. We are creating a culture of gratitude which allows our agents to be more empathetic to clients needs and to each other as teammates. Our company believes in a philosophy greater than just real estate commissions. We attain wealth by living with purpose and the greater good in mind. When someone says they can't or it can't be done it's usually a limiting belief. We respect ALL people in our industry and an entrepreneur in general that are in the grind. We Salute all of the Realtors and comrades in the field. Whether your philosophies differ in business from ours we wish you much SUCCESS. And to YOU I say , you have awaken a giant! We will help more clients! We will build more teammates and we will make sure that a legacy is left behind for the non-believers of building people first. We wish everyone a great day a great week and a great second half of this year. Let's ReDiscover the pursuit of happiness in ENTREPRENEURSHIP! #buildingpeoplefirst #thegratefulcompany #dreamsizeteamsize #firstbrokerrealty #theleveragecompany #redefinebroker #NEVERTHROWSTONESATASLEEPINGGIANT

#WhatsREALLYGoingOn Ep 6 RECAP w Gerry Najarro

Every Wednesday At 10:30 AM TUNE IN To Find Out #WhatsREALLYGoingOn In The Fast Paced World Of Entrepreneurship! REAL Entrepreneurs. REAL Experience. Join Us To Learn From NEW GUEST Each Week! Shout out to John Peña, Magdalena Aguilar-First Broker Realty, Santiago Aguilar, Carol L. Kundert, Mario Jimenez! This episode is a recap on all the knowledge they let us in on!

#WhatsREALLYGoingOn Ep 6 RECAP w Gerry Najarro

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This Weeks "What's REALLY going On" Wednesdays Viewers Are In For A SPECIAL Treat! You Don't Want To Miss Out!

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#OnMondaysWeWearBlue, with Naresh Sakhrani, Omar Sanchez, Ted N Magdalena, Gerry Najarro, Tovar Luis, Kevin Estrada and Johnny Palma!

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NEAR First Broker Realty