City of Plantation Parks and Recreation
This is the official page for the City of Plantation Parks and Recreation Department. The City of Plantation Parks and Recreation Department wants to provide residents with current information on upcoming events, classes, camps and athletics. We want to share with the community what is happening in their parks and facilities.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS🚧 Plantation Woods Park at the Plantation Community Center will be closed Monday, April 16-Friday, April 20 for repairs and maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. 🚧
Our Lecture Series returns tomorrow (Wed. 4/11/18) with author and trailblazing female pilot, Mary Shipko. Author of Aviatrix, Ms. Shipko will discuss her amazing experiences in the air as the first female pilot hired by Howard Hughes' Airwest. The lecture begins at 11 AM at Deicke Auditorium (5701 Cypress Road). We hope to see you there! 🛩️✈️
It’s hard to believe, but summer camp is right around the corner! Did you know registration is only a few weeks away? Returning camper registration begins April 23rd and new camper registration begins April 30th at all community centers (hours of operation can be found on our website Don’t miss out, we’re still a pretty cool place to spend a hot summer! 😎 To see a listing of our camp offerings visit: #PlantationParks #SummerCamp #SchoolsAlmostOut
This is how #PlantationFL celebrated #WorldHealthDay and #EarthMonth ... Record numbers today for #YogaInThePark! We'll be back at it next Saturday, same time, same place! 💚🌴🌍 #plantationparks #meetmeatthepark #celebrateearth #nature #omoutside #hellosunny #parksandrecreation #nrpa #frpa #itstartsinparks #parksbuildcommunity
Registration for PAL youth sports is now open! Sports include Summer and Fall basketball and the following Fall sports: cheerleading, tackle football and flag football. 🏈 🏀 For more info. visit
Tomorrow is World Health Day...raise your 🤚 if you plan on participating in our free Yoga in the Park class to maximize your health! Class starts at 9 AM at Liberty Tree Park; all levels are welcome. 🧘♂️ #PlantationParks #YogaInThePark #WorldHealthDay #OmOutside
#TBT to last year’s Relay for Life at Central Park. This picture was captured during the Luminaria Ceremony which represents remembrance and hope. This year’s event is next week, April 13-14. #PlantationParks #PlantationRelay #MoreBirthdays #AmericanCancerSociety
We would like to thank our Royal Easter Egg Hunt sponsor the GFWC Plantation Woman's Club! Thanks also to Whole Foods, Young at Art, Museum of Discovery and Science, Rapids and CATA Martial Arts for your support. #GFWCPlantationWomansClub #WholeFoodsBroward #YoungatArt #MuseumofDiscovery&Science #Rapids #CATAMartialArts
Tomorrow's the big day! Don't miss this egg-cellent event at Pop Travers Park! The fun begins at 10 AM sharp, so don't be late. Prizes and candy will be given to participants. BYOB (Bring Your Own Basket) 🐰🐣
Thank you to the City of Plantation Fire Department and Plantation Aquatic Complex for teaching our Spring Break campers the importance of water safety during our April Pool’s Day event. Prior to swimming, the kids watched a real-time, life saving demonstration.👨🚒💦💧🚒 #PlantationParks #AprilPoolsDay #WaterSafety #WatchTheWaterWatchTheKids
Don’t miss our annual Royal Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday, March 31 at Pop Travers Park. The fun starts at 10 AM sharp, so arrive early. Bring a basket or bag to hold your treats! Prizes and candy will be awarded to participants. 🥚 🐣 #PlantationParks #EasterEggHunt #EggHunt