The Stage Door
We offer opportunities for adults and children alike to participate in musicals in addition to classes such as dance for actors and makeup for actors.
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What's your damage, Heather?? TWO-WEEK INTENSIVE of Heathers The Musical (High School Edition) for ages 13-19 at The Stage Door this summer! Directed by Catherine D'Annibale. Auditions July 8 & 9. Callbacks July 10. Rehearses July 16-27. Performs July 27 & 28. $325. Find more info on our site!
B Smart! B Cool! It's the DAY of the "B" at The Stage Door!! "Junie B Jones Is Not A Crook" performs at 6 pm (all tickets $5) from our young actors! AND, the final two performances of "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" go up at 2 and 8 today!! Come ready to laugh (and enjoy the delicious concessions -- including things baked for us by Bliss Cupcakes!) We are having a BEE-autiful day at The Stage Door!!
THE ADDAMS FAMILY musical audition signups just went live for our Stage Door Summer Mainstage Show! Actors 13-19. $325 tuition. Auditions are May 31 6-9 and June 2 12-4! Callbacks are June 4. Directed by Charlotte Taylor. Audition requirements and signups are now on our web site at!
Here is a sneak peek at some of our wonderful "Junie B Jones Is Not A Crook" cast!! Come see their fun and hilarious show for $5 this Fri and Sat at 6 pm or Sun at 2!! Tickets at!
DID YOU HEAR?? This Thursday, all Putnam tickets are BOGO FREE! Bring a friend and adult tix are $7.50 and student tix (with ID) are just FIVE DOLLARS! Show starts at 8 -- but try to be there around 7:30 to be sure to get in (and see the preshow)!
This weekend, we have TWO shows to see! Some of our younger actors will be putting up "Junie B Jones is NOT A Crook" directed by Robin Coulounge on Fri and Sat at 6 pm and Sun at 2 pm. Tickets are $5. It's Junie B.'s first day of first grade, and a lot of things have changed for her: Junie's friend, Lucille, doesn't want to be her best pal anymore and, on the bus, Junie B. makes friends with Herb, the new kid at school. Also, Junie has trouble reading the blackboard and her teacher, Mr. Scary, thinks she may need glasses. Throw in a friendly cafeteria lady, a kickball tournament and a "Top-Secret Personal Beeswax Journal," and first grade has never been more exciting. Tickets available at
Missed Putnam last weekend? Check out this highlight of "The I Love You Song" featuring Chloe Allen, Griffin Wetzel and Evie of the only serious moments in the show, but hauntingly beautiful! And we have FOUR MORE SHOWS until Putnam closes!! Don't miss it!
What are YOU doing onstage this summer? We've got a FULL summer of theatre at The Stage Door! Check out our offerings in our 2018 Stage Door summer flyer! Check our site this week to sign up for these fantastic opportunities!! From Annie to Heathers High School Edition to strengthening your monologues and duet acting to Shakespeare (for that teen actor that NEEDS it but finds Shakespeare BORING) to Addams Family to Face Off Frenzy for the younger kids!! Workshops will start registering later this week! And, check out Annie, Jr. auditions now up on our site. Annie, Jr. auditions end this weekend!
Look at these GREAT audience spellers we had this weekend!! AND this Thursday, come see Putnam 1/2 price!! ALL TICKETS BOGO (buy one, get one FREE)! So bring a friend and get ready to laugh! BOGO at Door only. Show starts at 8, but recommend arriving by 7:30 for this deal!
Come see the BEE today at 2 or 8 and you just might be part of show!! (Come early and join the preshow hilarity.) We need more spellers!! Here is our first night "cast" pic with our audience spellers, too!!
Last day for Annie, Jr auditions!! Sign up for an audition slot at! If you can't make a time for today -- please email us at!