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Hope's Door New Beginning Center

860 F Ave, Ste 100, Plano, United States
Nonprofit Organization



Helping families affected by intimate partner and family violence. Hope's Door New Beginning Center is a nonprofit organization in North Texas specializing in intimate partner and family violence.

We offer a full complement of programs to help families move forward to a happier, healthy life.  Our programs include 90-day shelter programs,
Individual and group intervention services for parents and children, case management, legal aid, financial and literacy programs, Battering and Intervention Prevention Programs,transitional housing, a 24-hour hotline, and educational outreach programs that partner with local school districts for pre-teen and teen education and awareness.



We were fortunate to be recognized by the Plano Principals Association as one of the agencies that best supports Plano ISD students yesterday. Call us at (972) 422-2911 to schedule a Teen Dating Abuse Prevention session for your class next year, or if we can help a family in need of domestic abuse services.

Our 2018 Golf Tournament was a success. Thank you to all our sponsors and participants!

Jim stopped by to visit with Jaxson today at Taco Delite West Plano. Jaxson is still there collecting donations for us until 2:00 this afternoon! Please support this young man's efforts!

One of our shelter resident's children said, "Before coming here, I had never gotten to go to camp before and I liked learning to swim just like other kids do." Help us give all our children the same opportunities. To donate: text CELEBRATESUMMER to 41444 or give online at Thank you for your support!

Many thanks to our new partner and Platinum Sponsor of the 2018 Golf Tournament, MCL Construction. We are fortunate to have your support to set the course against domestic violence. Tournament spots are still available! Please register at

Epiroc's Gold level Golf Tournament sponsorship, along with additional support of other fundraising events throughout the year, makes them a critical partner in executing our mission. Thank you, Epiroc!

McAfee Plano volunteers worked at the Garland Resale Store yesterday, completing much-needed landscaping, painting, and maintenance projects. The building looks so great--thank you McAfee!

Ryan, our Community Education Program Manager, has been selected to participate in Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV)'s Prevention Training Lab! As part of a ten-person cohort, Ryan will have access to cutting-edge professional development resources for violence and abuse prevention education programming. Call us at (972) 422-2911 to schedule a session with our talented Education facilitators! We can customize a training for your school, church, community group, youth group, or professional organization.

The #MoversforMoms collection was a huge success. TWO MEN AND A TRUCK, TWO MEN AND A TRUCK, TWO MEN AND A TRUCK, Two Men And A Truck McKinney, and lots of their community partners collected over $15,000 worth of personal care items for families in our shelter programs, as well as a $600 cash donation. This goes such a long way in helping us meet the basic needs of our clients and allows us to focus on supporting them as they advance toward a brighter future. We are beyond grateful!

HDNBC serves many mothers, and we are fortunate to have support for recognizing them on their special day. The Heritage Lakes Women's Group, the Kiwanis Club of Garland Texas, and MARY KAY representatives provided gifts for our moms this year. Thank you for helping make their days special!


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