Brentwood High School (Pennsylvania)
Brentwood High School is a small, suburban high school located in Brentwood, Pennsylvania, United States, outside of Pittsburgh. It is part of the Brentwood Borough School District.Local rankingIn 2010, the Brentwood Borough High School was ranked 34th out of 104 western Pennsylvania high schools, by the Pittsburgh Business Times, for academic achievement based on five years of the PSSAs on: reading, writing, math and three years of science. in 2010, the high school ranked 51st. In 2009, the high school ranked 25th out of 123 western Pennsylvania high schools.Graduation rateIn 2010, the Pennsylvania Department of Education issued a new, 4 year cohort graduation rate. Brentwood Borough School District's rate was 94% for 2010.According to traditional graduation rate calculations: 2010 - 92% 2009 - 97%2008 - 94%2007 - 97%Academic achievementIn 2010 and 2009, the high school achieved AYP status.PSSA Results11th Grade Reading2010 - 74% on grade level (13% below basic). In Pennsylvania, 66% of 11th graders on grade level.2009 - 59% (23% below basic), State - 65%2008 - 70%, State - 65%2007 - 82%, State - 65% 11th Grade Math:2010 - 64% on grade level (17% below basic). In Pennsylvania, 59% of 11th graders are on grade level.2009 - 43% (29% below basic), State - 56% 2008 - 60%, State - 56% 2007 - 73%, State - 53% 11th Grade Science: 2010 - 44%, State - 39% 2009 - 34%, State - 40%2008 - 29%, State - 39%
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