Upper Hastings Ranch - Pasadena, CA
Hastings Ranch is a neighborhood of northeast Pasadena, CA. It is principally accessed by Sierra Madre Boulevard, Michillinda Avenue, Hastings Ranch Blvd., and Riviera Drive.
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facebook.comCalling All High School Seniors! Submit an essay to the Vroman's I Heart Reading Scholarship competition for a chance to win $500. Write an essay about the importance of reading, books, and/or Vroman's Bookstore in your life! Current high school seniors (graduating class of 2018) who will be enrolled in college for Fall 2018 are eligible for a $500 cash prize to use toward educational expenses (including tuition, required fees, books, supplies, and equipment). For tax purposes, proof of college acceptance or enrollment may be required. TO SUBMIT Send us a typed or handwritten essay of 500 words or less (must be legible). Include your name, email, phone number, address and which accredited college or university you will be attending in the fall. EMAILS CAN BE SENT TO email@vromansbookstore.com with the subject line "Vroman's Scholarship Submission" MAILED ENTRIES CAN BE SENT TO 695 E. Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91101 Att: Vroman's Scholarship Submission All submissions need to be received by Vroman's Bookstore no later than 9:00 PM PST on May 8th, 2018 Contact Vroman's for more info.
Are you interested in being a white suiter during the Rose Parade? Are you at least 21 years-old, living or working within 15 miles of Pasadena City Hall, and available to volunteer on New Year's Eve or Day? If so, check out the Tournament of Roses prospective member reception on Tuesday, January 30 or Thursday, February 1 at 6:30 pm at the Tournament of Roses House (391 S. Orange Grove Blvd). RSVP to Katie McFadden, director, Membership Services, at kmcfadden@tournamentofroses.com
Celebrate the birth of the cheeseburger in the home of the cheeseburger -- Pasadena. During Cheeseburger Week from January 7 - 12, Pasadena honors Lionel Sternberger's genius in being the first to put cheese to hamburger and serve it at the Rite Spot in Pasadena in 1924. Forty of Pasadena's favorite restaurants, lounges, and burger joints offer their signature burgers, some special creations and deals, during Pasadena Cheeseburger Week. Check out all the participants and see what everyone has on the menu for Cheeseburger Week by clicking here: http://www.pasadenarestaurantweek.com/restaurants/. El Portal, bluRoom at the Dusit D2 Hotel Constance, and Kings Row Gastropub offer specially created burgers for Cheeseburger Week. Pie 'n Burger, Dog Haus and Dog Haus Biergarten, The Stand and others offer special deals for Cheeseburger Week. Let’s all salute Lionel Sternberger for his mastery, insight, pioneering innovation and daring in placing a piece of cheese atop a hamburger for the first time in recorded culinary history at his father's roadside stand, the Rite Spot at 1500 West Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena. Here are the participants for 2018: bluRoom at the Dusit D2 Hotel Constance Cameron’s Seafood Central Park Restaurant Clearman’s Galley The Counter Del Frisco’s Grille Dog Haus (Hill Street location) Dog Haus Biergarten Du-pars Edwin Mills by Equator El Portal Restaurant Gale’s (lunch only) Green Street Restaurant Kathleen's Restaurant Kings Row Gastropub Lucky Baldwin’s Delirium Pub and Cafe Lucky Baldwin’s Pub Lucky Baldwin’s Trappiste Pub and Cafe Mi Piace Pie ‘n Burger Plate 38 POP Champagne & Dessert Bar Robin’s Wood Fire BBQ Rounds Premium Burgers Ruth’s Chris Steak House – Happy Hour menu Slater’s 50/50 http://www.pasadenarestaurantweek.com/
You can take a photo with a dragon today in Sierra Madre. He's so cute!
Thank you to our residents for keeping up our Light Up tradition for more than 60 years, and thanks to you for visiting us. Your comments and reviews and the smiles we see as you walk and drive by make it worth it. A big thank you to the mystery families that dropped off awards and treats for residents whose lights they liked. What a nice surprise! We'll start it all again in 11 months! Happy New Year!
We see your chimney. We hope Santa found it and dropped off a few gifts!
The trees on lower Hastings Ranch Drive look so cool!