Pasadena United Methodist Church
Welcome to Pasadena United Methodist Church! We are in our 95th year serving the Lord in Pasadena, and invite you to join us! There is a place for you at PUMC no matter what your religious background.
We are a gathering of Christians associated with the United Methodist Church. Here you will find quality worship, dynamic preaching, spirit-lifting music, and challenges for personal growth. We would be honored for you to make us your church home. I look forward to meeting you and extending my own welcome to you as well. Come join us and be part of the future in a caring and friendly community of faith.
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Don't forget our special Memorial Day Service tomorrow at 10 AM. There will be a picnic following the service. Bring a favorite covered dish and we will provide the hamburgers, hotdogs, desserts and drink.
Yard Sale & Kids' Stuff and Car Wash
Yard Sale - - 7 AM to 2 PM Camp Hope Car Wash -- 9 AM to 12 Noon ... and have some breakfast at the Saturday Morning Breakfast
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Don't forget the Second Saturday Breakfast today for Mother's beginning at 8:00 AM! After breakfast shop the Vendor's Fair. What a terrific way to spoil Mom!
Camp Hope Vendor Event & Church Breakfast
Please join us this Saturday for the Second Saturday Breakfast honoring Mom's and our Camp Hope Vendor Event.
Pasadena United Methodist Church's cover photo
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Tomorrow, Sunday April 16th is Easter. We welcome all! 7:30 AM "Sonrise" Cafe Service 9:00 AM Family Worship Service 10:30 AM Traditional Worship Service
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Join us as we begin our walk into Holy Week! Palm Sunday tomorrow, 9 AM Cafe Worship and 10:30 AM our Traditional Service, great music and a fantastic message! All are welcomed!
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The Last Supper Dramatization with Holy Communion Maundy Thursday, April 13th at 7:00 PM Join us for this powerful presentation as members of our congregation portray Jesus' final meal with his twelve disciples based on Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting of "The Last Supper". Each disciple reflects on his journey with Jesus.
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Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Saturday, April 8th Adults $8.00 - Children $5.00 (under 3 Free) 8 AM Doors open for Adults 9 AM Breakfast served for parents and children 9:30 - 10 AM Bunny photo opportunities, holiday crafts, and games. 10:15 AM Egg Hunt for children 12 years old and younger Bring a basket for your egg collection or bags will be provided for decorating.
Photos from Pasadena United Methodist Church's post
Area 3 Handbell Festival in OC with 414 other ringers in Ocean City, MD.
Weather UPDATE: Winter Relief volunteers are still needed. All evening meetings are cancelled for Tuesday, March 14th.
Pasadena United Methodist Church