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Mike's Kettlebell Club

106 Broadway St, Paducah, United States
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Mon: 0530, 0615, 1015*,1115,1215, 400

Tues: 0530,0615,1015,1115,1215,400

Wed: 0530,0615,1015,1115,1215, 400pm

Thurs: 0530, 0615, 1015*,1115,1215, 400

Sat: 07:30 - 08:30 Iron Yoga
08:30 Kettlebell Workout
09:00 Kettlebells for Beginners (Crystal, Instructor)


Kettlebellers, a couple of announcements: There is NO workout this Saturday. There is NO workout the Tuesday after Christmas. Your Annual Fee is due with your January Fee.

Permission to rant: Okay. I was raised to be courteous, respectful, to be a gentleman, not for praise, but because it is the right thing to do. From the time I was a child I have held the door for people, any person; I have seated the lady I was with when we approached the table; have stood when appropriate when a Lady entered the room or came to the table alone; I have offered my seat to someone when there was not one available; I say yes ma'am, no ma'am, or sir where applicable; and please or thank you. However, when you stand in a gale to hold the door for a woman (I purposefully did not say Lady) when she is yet 10 yards down the sidewalk, and she is so involved in her cellphone conversation that she cannot even make eye contact or nod to at the very least acknowledge that someone extended her a courtesy... it is at that time that I eschew my Gentlemanly upbringing and think: "If I let go of the door, the wind will surely slam it into her rather large... I resisted the temptation. I win!


Kettlebellers, we have but a few days left, please, let's fill at least one of the Toys For Tots boxes again before time runs out!

Tomorrow's workout is great! I used one bell for the entire workout, both Evolutions!

Just a note: I have on a few occasions mentioned the 20 pound mace, inferring that it may be a difficult tool to use in the manner prescribed, but, do not scoff at a mere 20 pounds until you have tried it for yourself! Just sayin'!

It has been said "Destiny is a form of slavery" and philosophically, I get that. But in the case of true Love, two souls linked as one, Destiny I think is the comfort of Certainty.

Hey Kettlebellers, we have only a couple of weeks, let's fill the boxes with toys one more time! Help us help some kids this season of giving to to others, and who better to give to than children!

If it is okay with you, and even if it isn't I will do so anyway :), I will recognize a couple, or a few, other members who have demonstrated courage and grit at the KB Club. Britt, a young lady whose smile is always missed at the 0530 workout and in the Bellmaster crew, once had an injured hand but pushed through the pain and continued her workouts because she didn't want to say anything about it, until she could ignore it no longer and even workout in a cast! Then there id Jay, one of our not-so-youthful members (like myself) who came to me to prep him for hip replacement and returned as soon as he was released by his physician, and, who subsequently lost 60 pounds while rehabing and getting stronger. Laura K who first came to the Club swearing she had no upper body strength but whose performance continually shows otherwise. And then there is Lauren who has overcome what could be called a major setback yet is back and working as if nothing can ever stop her. Connie, whom I started training years ago while at Go Performance just underwent knee surgery a very short time ago and is already back and pushing. Then there is Adrian who underwent two surgeries and is back again and like before driving hard to get back to where she was. These, and others are typical of the quality of people we have at the Kettlebell Club: people who take their fitness seriously and who are willing to work hard to realize their best and push past it.They do not quit! They are like Family, Kettlebell Club Family!

The Kettlebell Club exists for you all, the Members, not for myself. What keeps me in this business, in the Kettlebell Club, is seeing each of you get stronger, continue to push past your previously conceived limits of what you thought possible and even reach higher. It pleases me to the Nth degree to see you experience personal growth, personal bests and then have the honor of recognizing your accomplishments! Such as Emily who just keeps pushing her limits in most every aspect of her training! And now, I get to once again share tremendous growth by Calvin - he did two rounds of 8 Samurai Pullovers with the 20 lb mace, two rounds of floor cleans with the 106 lb bell, and now, his wife, Sarah, has been swinging the 88, and today did two sets of dead lifts with the 88! There are others to be recognized and I will do so soon! I am proud to be working out with all of you... Keep up the great work!!! Mike

The 4 o'clock crew made it through at the very last minute! Awesome work everyone in every group on a fairly challenging workout!!!

The 12:15 Crew all made it through the entire workout, finishing on the last minute! Great effort!
