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Dale County Court Services

204 Katherine Ave, Ozark, United States
Social Services



Helping Defendants maintain a positive mindset and stay clean and sober with proactive opportunities for change. Court Referral and Community Corrections


Good MONDAY Morning to ALL.. Yes! I said the dreaded word "Monday". New work week starts and the Drug Screens for TODAY are WHITE,TAN,LIME,ORANGE and PINK. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and have a AWESOME WEEK. God Bless.

Good Saturday Morning to all. The Drug Screen Color for today is NEON COLOR. LOL.. Post a hello to show you are responsible and CHECKED your COLOR CODE today. Have a AWESOME WEEKEND and GOD BLESS...

Good FRIDAY Morning to ALL. The weekend is here! TGIF. The Drug Screen Color Codes for today are SILVER,KHAKI and SILVER. The OFFICE CLOSES at 12:00PM today so if you have business at the office come in the morning. Have a CLEAN and SOBER WEEKEND.. God Bless..

Good Thursday Morning to all. The Drug Screen Color Codes for today are LIME,OLIVE and PURPLE. Have a GREAT Thursday. God Bless...

Good Morning ALL.. It's Wednesday and that means we are half way to the weekend. The Drug Screen Color Codes for today are WHITE,RED and TAN. Have a CLEAN and SOBER DAY. God Bless..

Good Tuesday Morning to everyone. Drug Screen Color Codes for today are ORANGE,BLACK,BLUE,WHITE and LIME. It is your responsibility to CHECK for your drug screen daily. It is CRO and CCP PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS to REPORT for your RANDOM drug screens as well. NO EXCUSES to not check and most certainly no EXCUSE to not REPORT for your DRUG SCREEN. DO the RIGHT THING and BE RESPONSIBLE for your ACTIONS. Have a GREAT DAY! God Bless..

Good MONDAY Morning to everyone. A new day and a new week so let's get started shall we. The Drug Screen Color Codes for today are BROWN,PURPLE and GREEN. Stay POSITIVE and CLEAN.. God Bless..

Good Morning ALL. TGIF. Friday has arrived and the weekend begins. There are no Drug Screen Color Code today. Mr. Scott will be in the office to see scheduled clients this morning. The OFFICE will CLOSE at 12:00pm TODAY. Have a CLEAN and SOBER WEEKEND.. God Bless.

Good Morning. Today is National Day of Prayer. Thursday's Drug Screen Color Codes are GREEN,PURPLE and OLIVE. God Bless America..

A very GOOD MORNING to ALL. The TIME is 0437hrs and do you know what TODAY is?? I do, it is MONITORING DAY!!! Court Referral Client report this morning for monitoring. The Drug Screen Color Codes for today are BEIGE, KHAKI and OLIVE. Have a AWESOME Tuesday. God Bless.

Good Monday Morning to ALL. The weekend went by too fast and Monday is back. The Drug Screen Color Codes for today are LIME and WHITE. Reminder to Coffee Co. Community Corrections Clients. Mr. Scott will be at the Coffee Co. Courthouse to supervise the Community Corrections Clients that are scheduled. Be SAFE on the roads this morning. HIGH WINDS and RAIN is coming.. Take Care and God Bless..

Good Morning ALL. FRIDAY has arrived. TGIF!! The office is CLOSED today and there is no Drug Screen Color Codes today. Have a CLEAN and SOBER WEEKEND. God Bless.
