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Martin Luther College

1995 Luther Ct, New Ulm, United States



The mission of MLC is to train a corps of Christian witnesses who are qualified to meet the ministry needs of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Martin Luther College is owned and operated by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). Formed from an amalgamation of Dr. Martin Luther College (founded in 1884) and Northwestern College (founded in 1865), Martin Luther College opened its doors to the next generation of church workers in 1995.


Timeline Photos

MLC GOLF CLASSIC - 25TH ANNIVERSARY! THERE STILL IS ROOM! For 25 years, the community of New Ulm and other friends of MLC have contributed over $750,000 to MLC's ministry. Join us this year on June 12 to celebrate the 25th year of the MLC Golf Classic! It's not too late to sign up! For more information, contact MLC Event Coordinator, Michelle Gartner

Timeline Photos

Photos from Martin Luther College's post

MLC 16-17 Wrap-ups! There were so many things happening at the end of the year that we just couldn't squeeze them all in! Here are a few we just have to mention! iTutoring at Jefferson Elementary - New Ulm Throughout the semester, MLC students were working with students in our local elementary school via iPads. Our students would communicate with the children via our computer lab on campus while the grade school children used iPads. The MLC students would listen to the elementary students read aloud and then work with them on their reading and comprehension skills. At the end of the year, the tutors and students met in person for a final session and celebration! Pretty cool!

Photos from Martin Luther College's post

Marketing Strategies for Early Childhood Ministries

Lynn Jungen shares some basic marketing issues that every school should consider - especially our early childhood ministries. Lynn serves as early childhood director and teacher at St. Peter’s Lutheran Tiny Treasures Preschool-Mishicot WI. Lynn is also enrolled in MLC’s Master of Science in Educational Administration program for early childhood directors.

the bridge.

Our fearless MLC bicycle duo Erich and Ethan are continuing their trek through scenic areas of the west coast. Catch up on their recent reports!

MLS Partners of the Gospel 2017

Through gracious gifts of love given to MLS, the MLS Foundation, and the synod, we were able to disperse nearly $35,000 in scholarships to 25 graduates from the Class of 2017 who are going on to Martin Luther College in the fall. May God richly bless these students as they prepare to serve Him in the full time ministry! We at Martin Luther College cherish our partnership with MLS as we prepare men and women to be heralds of the Gospel!

Dallmann to be Inducted into USCAA Hall of Fame

An honor well deserved! Congratulations Coach Dallmann!

Ecuador or Equator?

Our MLC Gringas Vagabundas, Christa and Hailey, are in their last week of studies in Quito Ecuador. Check out their culminating adventures at 0 degrees latitude!

Early Childhood Teachers, Register Now Before It's Too Late!

If you are working as a caregiver or early childhood director, or are considering adding toddler care to your ministry, MLC's Infant and Toddler Educare course can assist you in offering the highest quality care to those you serve. Check out these summer offerings!

Martin Luther College

MLC SUMMER THROWBACKS - Over the summer weeks, we'll revisit some of your favorite posts. 4 Times the Charm are hits whenever they perform, and you'll have a chance to hear them sing the national anthem at this year's WELS Night at Miller Park on August 10. Come and join thousands of WELS members as the Brewers battle the Twins! For more information, visit the WELS website at

Photos from Martin Luther College's post

SPANISH IMMERSION TRIP 2017 Our MLC Spanish Immersion is underway! Here are a few photos from the first week.

Photos from Martin Luther College's post

Hope Lutheran Church Toronto

Congratulations Jordan Massiah! Our wind symphony heard many great things about you when we visited Hope Lutheran Church on tour and we are looking forward to having you on campus! God's blessings to all our future Knights!

Hope Lutheran Church Toronto

Photos from Martin Luther College's post

BIKE, TELL, SEA Our biking adventurers have been in the saddle for more than a week with many stories to share! Take a moment to catch up on their progress down the west coast! God's blessings men!

Photos from Martin Luther College's post


NEAR Martin Luther College

New Ulm Medical Center

New Ulm, United States
Family Medicine Practice