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Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc.

10 Pinesbridge Rd, Ossining, United States
Church/religious organization



In some 25 countries around the world, Maryknoll Sisters are committed to crossing boundaries, whether cultural, social, religious, geographic or economic.



Need some #MondayMotivation ? We would like to introduce you to a very inspirational woman, Sister Ha. To learn more about Sister Ha's mission click here

Need some #MondayMotivation ? We would like to introduce you to a very inspirational woman, Sister Ha.

To learn more about Sister Ha's mission click here

Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc.

Sister Ha works with physically and mentally disabled people at Brilliant Spirits in China. To learn more about her mission go to

Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc.

Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc.'s cover photo

Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc.'s cover photo

Public Peace Prize / Prix du public pour la paix

Public Peace Prize / Prix du public pour la paix

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Happy #NationalHugDay ! "A hug is a universal medicine. It is how we handshake from the heart!” Give someone a hug today like Sister Aurelia with the people from her mission in Peru. Sister Aurelia has been serving in Peru for 47 years, to learn more about her mission work click here

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Pope Francis' prayer intentions for January 2016

"We should not stop praying and collaborating with those who think differently, we are all children of God." #PopeFrancis #MondayMotivation

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Today, we remember Martin Luther King Jr. with prayer. This psalm was adapted through his writings. I have a dream today that one day justice will roll down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream. I still have a dream today that in all of our state houses and city halls people will be elected to go there who will be just and love mercy, walking humbly with their God. I still have a dream today that one day war will come to an end, that people will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks, that nations will no longer rise up against nations, neither will they study war any more. I still have a dream today that one day the lamb and the lion will lie down together and every person will sit under their own vine and fig tree and none will be afraid. Glory to You…. #MartinLutherKingDay

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The Maryknoll Sisters are now on Instagram ! Follow us for updates on our mission stories with pictures and videos. Our Instagram username is @maryknollsister Thank you for your continued prayers and support, which help us to make God's love visible around the world each day!

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The winning Powerball numbers for the Maryknoll Sisters were 92, 90, 85, 84, 89 and Powerball 93. Why are these numbers different than the winning 1.5 billion dollar jackpot numbers you were trying to match to your ticket? This particular set of numbers represents six Maryknoll Sisters and their ages. What’s so special about this particular group of Sisters? They still work full-time! Retirement isn’t an option for most Maryknoll Sister’s even when they reach their 80’s and 90’s. To them “mission” is a lifelong commitment and they take this vow very seriously. For the majority of our Sisters, their mission life begins when they’re young aiding people in need around the world. After a certain amount of years, they close that chapter of their mission life and return to our Motherhouse for a new beginning. To learn more about these Sisters work click here Thank you for service Sisters!

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"For those who trust in God, all things work together for good." #WednesdayWisdom

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My Story Hour

Need a bedtime story? A story for a special time? A story for your child or grandchild? Here are a few you might like to read from Sr. Elizabeth Roach, who is a well known children's book author. Click here for her story blog

We invite you to join us for our annual Music for the World Concert! Featuring the Hudson Valley Symphonic Wind Ensemble, on March 6, 2016. This is a charitable concert to benefit the global outreach mission of the Maryknoll Sisters. Help us spread the word #ShareThisPost To purchase tickets or review sponsorship opportunities click here


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