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Divine Savior Catholic Church

9079 Greenback Lane, Orangevale, United States
Religious Organization



We, the people of Divine Savior Catholic Church, empowered by our baptism, dedicate ourselves to living the Gospel of Jesus.  Inspired by the love, justice


The Salvatorian Mission of Mercy celebration is less than 2 weeks away on Saturday, October 14th. Mark your calendars!!!! Details below and at the following link:

"Jesus points out in today’s Gospel how rigid, legalistic thinking can easily block our ability to assess situations to our advantage. In this case, when the tax collectors and prostitutes responded to the preaching of John the Baptist and changed their ways it had no positive effect on the religious leaders. Jesus invites us to notice how people we think are all screwed up do at times get their lives in order. It is an occasion for us to look at what is non-Jesus-like in our lives and to allow the love Jesus revealed to transform us so that we in turn can be an example for others to look at the blemishes in their lives and to seek healing for those blemishes. Who today are the likes of the tax collectors and prostitutes from whom we can learn a valuable lesson?" ~ Fr. Roman This Sunday, we celebrate the twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Be sure to read this weekend's bulletin or download the bulletin at the following address: to learn about the many wonderful events happening at Divine Savior!

Delicious, home-cooked meals shared with over sixty individuals in the Orangevale community and surrounding areas! This monthly event will take place twice a month starting October. Please leave us a Facebook message or email if you are interested in volunteering for this wonderful ministry. #community #freemeal #orangevale

Soul collage retreat sponsored by WinGS on September 16. Faith, Family, Friends and Fun!!!! WinGS (Women in Growth Spiritually) is an ACTIVE ministry at Divine Savior. Please continue to follow our Facebook page to learn about the MANY ministries at our church! Photos courtesy of Zori, co-chair of WinGS

"There is no missing the fact that Jesus advocated for the poor people of His day. So many of them lost what little they had because they had gone into debt, typically because of crop failure. Wealthy people would gladly take the land of these poor people, often having more value than what was owed them. Lest Jesus be called something like a socialist, He was only demanding that people obey their religious tradition which taught that the rich were to provide for their poor brothers and sisters. If Jesus were to address the outlandish disparity of wages and financial holdings today, what would He say about these situations? What would He expect us to do about these factors" ~Fr. Roman This weekend, we celebrate the twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We also celebrate the September wedding anniversaries in our Parish!

Children’s choir rehearsals will be on Mondays from 4:30-5:30pm in the music room of the church. The choir will sing once a month at Mass. Please email Elaine at or feel free to call her at the parish office with any questions. If your child loves music and is able to read well, please join us. Teenagers are welcome, but are also encouraged to join our teen choir which is a bit more advanced and meets Monday evenings at 6:30 in the church. Parents are welcome and encouraged to join us as well!

WinGS (Women in Growth Spiritually), a ministry of Divine Savior Catholic Church, is sponsoring a GREAT event on October 8th! A movie, free popcorn, and lively spiritual discussion. Please see the attached photo for more details

"​Today's Gospel calls us to reflect on what we believe about God's mercy and compassion. At times, even some segments of the Gospel, at first glance, do not reflect accurately what Jesus revealed about the nature of God. In fact, in this case, today's Responsorial Psalm offers a corrective. We ponder the great mystery of God's pardoning all of our iniquities. God crowns us with kindness and compassion. God does not deal with us according to our sins but as the heavens are high above the earth so surpassing is God's kindness so that we believe, as Jesus revealed in His treatment of the big-time sinners of His day, that God puts our transgressions away forever. " ~Fr. Roman This was the twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Knights of Columbus are at it again, inviting you to a fun evening of games and prizes! See attached photo flyer for details!

"A challenging adventure is for two people to talk with each only about themselves. To do otherwise can easily lead to gossip which diminishes all of the people involved with the gossip. Jesus in today’s Gospel sets the guideline that if another sins against us or offends us in any way, we are to go only to that person with the commitment of speaking and listening in ways that will bring resolution and healing. When doing so is successful, the bonds of community grow ever stronger and more intimate. This type of vulnerable exchange brings about a real sense that Jesus is in our midst." ~ Fr. Roman It is the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Be sure to check out our NEW website at the same address: (a picture of our new homepage is below). Have a Blessed Weekend!

The "Season of Creation" began on September 1st with the World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation. We invite you to pray with Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew, who issued a rare joint message on this day of prayer for the Earth. This is the first time the Pope and Patriarch have spoken together about Creation. As we continue to pray for the people around the Gulf and in Bangladesh and India, we also turn our thoughts to minimizing the scale of disasters to come. With the Vatican’s prayer guide for the Day of Prayer for Creation, we ask God: “In you we, your servants, have set our hopes for the new creation; by your healing mercy instruct us to sow beauty.” We invite you to join Christians all around the world in this month of prayerful commitment to protecting the beautiful gift of Creation. Please watch the following video that is relevant to this season:

"Some think that Jesus is testing the disciples when He asks who they think He is. However, Middle Eastern culture at His time was very group-oriented. To know one was to know the entire village. Secondly, it would be very important for Jesus to find out the effect that His ministry was having up to that point. As the Gospel makes clear, Peter is able to name Jesus’ identity because of the inspiration from God. Similarly, we come to know ourselves by continually reflecting on how God sees us as His beloved." ~ Fr. Roman's reflection on this weekend's readings Thank you to all who volunteered and attended Divine Savior's Ministry Fair. We hope that our Parish Community continues to or has found the inspiration to utilize his or her time and talents to benefit our church! For more information about any of the ministries, please call the Parish office at (916) 989-7400 or contact Caroline at
