Community United Methodist Church
At Community United Methodist Church, we strive to have open minds, open door, and open hearts to the community of Washington Terrace and beyond.
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Coming soon to Salt Lake City - great Christian music!
Look at what the GUMY's made today! Jump ropes for the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes! We had a fun time making them!
Don't forget to stop by the rummage sale and find some great things, going on now until 1
Kaitlyn and Gail at the Leadership institute
The event raised just under $40,000 for Family Promise of Ogden. Thanks to everyone who participated and everyone else for all the love and support for this great cause.
Jeremy Bennett - just Lion around before the race Isabelle Herzog - ready to Hop on board CUMC Team - racing to the finish line (left to right: Ali Alireza, Jeremy Bennett, Johnny Ninh, Cory Wetz Third Place winners - Johnny Ninh, Ali Alireza, Cory Wetz, Jeremy Bennett, Isabelle Herzog
Please join us for this great event.
Join us as we begin an exciting study of the Adam Hamilton book, MOSES, In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet. Our Adult Class will begin this 6-week study on Sunday, September 10 at 10:30 AM. The Monday Night Book Club will begin the study on Monday, September 11 at 6:00 PM. On Sunday, September 17, Pastor Gary will use the book as part of a sermon series on Moses. We hope you can join us!
Please join us this Sunday to hear this story.
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Christ was in the beginning with creation and Christ is with us now and Christ will be with us forever! How do I know? The Bible tells me so!