City of Oak Harbor
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Another successful 4th of July parade! Thank you to everyone who participated and and came out to the parade and to Oak Harbor Chamber for putting on such a great event!
Oak Harbor Views From Above
We love where we live!
Public Safety Testing
If you're interested in a career in law enforcement, there is a testing opportunity in Burlington on July 16th.
Timeline Photos
Volunteer Opportunity!
The City of Oak Harbor has a opening on our Civil Service Commission for our Police and Fire Departments. It's a small commitment of one meeting a month of no longer than an hour. If you are interested or would like more information, please visit -
Job Opportunities | City of Oak Harbor Employment Opportunities
Job Opportunities! Building Official and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator II
Timeline Photos
A beautiful day in Oak Harbor today!
Get Involved!
Volunteer for one of our committees!
Job Opportunities | City of Oak Harbor Employment Opportunities
Job Opening- Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator II
Photos from City of Oak Harbor's post
Oak Harbor is the Top Ten of the Safest Cities in Washington 2017!
Photos from City of Oak Harbor's post
Come on down to Windjammer Park between 10-2 for some fun in the sun at Family Fun Day! Free event for all!
Saturday, May 20th is Armed Forces Day!