City of Novato - City Government
Nestled in the northern hills of Marin County, CA, Novato is located 29 miles north of San Francisco, covers 28 square miles and has a population of 54,194 Novato is known for its magnificent open spaces, outstanding schools, charming Downtown, and active business community. Get to Know Novato:
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facebook.comWe're #NovatoProud of Kevin Cleary. A Novato High School grad, Kevin became CEO of Clif Bar in 2013. The company now has a 33% market share in the health bar category, which is expected to grow to $6.2 billion by 2018. Kevin is an energetic athlete, an outspoken proponent of community service and a dedicated family man who believes in work/life balance. Oh - and today is his birthday! Happy Birthday, Kevin!
Check out the latest issue of "Our Town" e-newsletter! Info on Novato's new Planning Academy 2018, take our Communications Survey, Council direction on City-owned Hamilton Properties, SMART station multi-use paths construction, holiday events and more!
Kickoff the holiday season at Novato's Annual Community Tree Lighting Ceremony this Saturday, 12/2 at 4pm! Enjoy special holiday performances, food and hot drinks.
At last night's meeting, Council directed staff to begin a Request for Proposals (RFP) process(es) for four City-owned parcels in Hamilton. Click the link to read more.
City Council Meeting of 11/28 Live Stream
Want to get more involved in local planning issues, but don't know where to start? Sign-up now for the NEW Novato Planning Academy 2018! Novato's Planning Academy is a fun and educational introduction to community planning and development in Novato.
On Native American Heritage Day, we’re #NovatoProud of our heritage as home to the Coast Miwok, and of folks like Ralph and Lisa Shanks, who are dedicated to promoting accurate knowledge about Marin’s first people. Their book ‘California Indian Baskets’ honors Native American art, history and native plant uses, and teaches how baskets were central to daily life. Ralph is also president of the Miwok Archeological Preserve of Marin. #NovatoProud #NativeAmericanHeritageDay
Happy Thanksgiving
Mark your calendars! Novato has a variety of festivities to enjoy this holiday season.
The City Council will consider and possibly take action to approve a license agreement for use of the HUD parcel (APN: 157-970-07) and structure (816 State Access Road) for activities of the Downtown Streets Team, including the use and storage of mobile showers, and authorize the City Manager to execute same. Meeting Date & Time: December 5, 2017 at 6pm Meeting Location: Margaret Todd Senior Center, 1560 Hill Road More info at
Check out this cool new addition to #DowntownNovato! Take a break to enjoy a game of chess while holiday shopping downtown.
City Council to discuss vacant and/or underutilized City-owned Hamilton properties at Nov. 28 meeting--news item linked below includes a listing of all properties. Note: this meeting will be held at the Novato Unified School District Board Room at 1015 7th Street.