The Alcove Center for Grieving Children and Families
The Alcove is a safe place where children and their families, who are grieving a death, can receive comfort and support through the healing processPLEASE VISIT: Established in November 2001 as a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, the Alcove Center for Grieving Children and families provides bereavement support services for the Southern New Jersey area.
Following the death of a loved one, many times the surviving adult is overwhelmed with grief, making it difficult to provide sufficient support to help their child(ren) deal with the death. Many times this leaves the child to face their loss and pain alone. The Alcove provides peer support groups for children ages 3 to 18 and adult group for their surviving parent, grandparent or guardian. Groups run one hour and are facilitated by volunteers who have completed an intensive 30 hour training.
The children participate in activities that are designed to help them discuss death through their play, art, storytelling, music and talking. Groups are held every other week and families can attend as long as they feel the need.
All bereavement groups are FREE OF CHARGE thanks to generous donations from individuals, businesses, charitable organizations and our dedicated volunteer staff.
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