Herrell's Ice Cream & Sweet Bakery
Northampton Flagship Store!
Other locations available at www.herrells.com. Hours change seasonally Award Winning Dairy and No-Moo Dairy Free cookies, pies cakes and of course artisan ice cream. Great Hot Fudge too. Sold online and brick and mortar stores.
Tell your friends
facebook.comHistoric Northampton NOW. Free Herrell's Ice Cream too!
Years ago Herrell's made Damn Yankees Devil Mint Stripe in honor of Jerry Lewis's playing Applegate in Damn Yankees on Broadway and gave profits to Jerry's MDA kids. In honor of Jerry and all his achievements Herrell's is serving Damn Yankees Devil Mint Stripe today until it's gone. RIP Jerry, you're giving heart and spirit and superb comedy will live on forever. www.herrells.com/flavors
Join Herrell's On The Mooove today at 4pm at Historic Northampton for free ice cream and a free Florence Community Band concert.
Thanks Sarah. Made my day!
Herrell's Huntington NY shop makes the news!
Happy bday. Enjoy your treats!
We know our lines get long sometimes. In an effort to shorten your wait time, please see www.herrells.com/flavors to choose your ice cream flavor and have your payment ready by the time you reach the counter. That will save a little bit of time and it all adds up for everyone. Thanks for your cooperation. Judy Herrell
Join us the Sunday August 13th, starting at 1PM!
Today's flavors, www.herrells.com/flavors
Check out our new Cinnamon Babka ice cream. Vanilla ice cream with Cinnamon Babka mixed in.