We do impressive things sometimes mostly on Tuesday afternoons - there are no guarantees much and music is always loud...long story short, we sell RECORDS! Rumor is located in Niles, MI - we feature High-End Electronics & Vintage Stereo Components - TURNTABLES - New & Used Vinyl Record Albums, Rock Memorabilia, Collectibles, Posters and Retro Goods... Local/Regional ARTIST works & a large selection of GLASS.
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The Garbage Guys (sick, punky, funky, and slightly junky) are coming in to take out the trash on March 24, come in to rock out and have a great time with us! #randomflipflop
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Starting NOW - Rumor Records Selfie Challenge. Take a Selfie/Photo in our store, Post it to the Store FB Wall with #RumorRecords and get $5 off! clickieclickclick. GO!
Starting NOW - Rumor Records Selfie Challenge. Take a Selfie/Photo in our store, Post it to the Store FB Wall with #RumorRecords and get $5 off! clickieclickclick. GO!
Sidenote: Karen wouldnt let me film her eating a GIANT burrito so I grabbed this footage of DJ EyecANDY sucking down lunch! #yerwelcome
Sample - Garbage Guys
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Garbage Guys warming our stage... playing for a couple hours.
ok, deal is... TOMORROW NIGHT will be an open-jam! all in, all come, all play. starts at 7pm... updates as musical artist commit. 4 in thus far - David Rees , Dave Dale , Hulrick Baptist , & Karl E playin... more will be updated. if you want in, just hit us up! #OPENJAM -
NEW AGE PREMONITION Tonight(Friday), 8PM'ish! Couple new changes, Nipple Tassles will be buy 1 get 1 FREE, decided to raffle the Ponies & FREE Kitten Rides #saddleup ! NO COVER CHARGE and John Lidecker will be wearing his Yoga Pants!
Rumor Records presents New Age Premonition THIS Friday, Feb.17th 8pm! This Band FLIPPED the stage at Hunter Ice Festival - DONT MISS THE SHOW! Free Admission w/ Nipple-Tassles provided at the door. Pony Rides & Free Kittens will be raffled. 8pm
Rumor's cover photo
8pm Friday Feb.17th - New Age Premonition... FANCY STUFF!
so, a little-diddy number called New Age Premonition rocked the wood off the stage @ HunterIceFestival - we dediced to bring them back... THIS Friday the 17th, 8pm. bring condoms and other protection stretchables. #youvebeenwarned