Ducktape Doodads
i love doing swirls (: <3 I make men's wallets, women's wallets, purses, flowers on pens and pencils, flowers on head bands, clippies, bobbie pins and also bows on head bands and bobbie pins! :) Aslo can put flowers or bows on infant headbands, and I can make dog bows. Now we do photo albums, luggage/backpack tags, notebooks, flowers on flip flops and much much more <3
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New tape :)
Some pens
Photo Albums(:
Small, medium, and large Photo albums:)
Men's Wallet's(:
Stars wars wallet with 3 credit card slots and 1 id slot
Untitled Album
Got some new tape today :)
I know I have already asked this but would anyone like to see the other crafty items I make to this page? 😊
I hope everyone is having a great new year so far! 😊 I am thinking about adding other crafty items that I make to this page other then duck tape. What would you guys think?