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9Round New Berlin

15157 W National Ave, New Berlin, United States
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



9Round is a specialized fitness center that brings Boxing and Kickboxing Fitness training to the average person in a convenient, affordable, 30 minute, full body circuit format!  30 Minute Kickbox Fitness!
No Class Times
Workout Changes Everyday
Trainer with you every step of the way!


This month we’re all about kicking out cancer, so why not work on mastering your side kick? Learn the four parts of this move and get kicking!

"I joined 9Round Madison West, WI back in July of 2015. I loved the fact I didn’t have to wait for a class in order to get my work out in! The trainers were encouraging, positive and motivating! I was fit, strong, and loved every minute of my work out. Then, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Breast Cancer in April of 2016. While undergoing major surgery and chemotherapy …I had to put my membership on hold. Finally, in March of 2017 I was back at 9Round! I had to modify my workouts, adjust my cardio and start all over. I hit the gym 3/4 days a week and with the help of the 9Round trainers, I can tell am getting stronger each day! They keep me coming back for each workout! Because I was fit going into this life challenge, I believe I was able to power through chemotherapy and bounce back from major surgery! The 9Round family helped me get through one of the most devastating times in my life. Invest in yourself! Stay FEARLESS! I AM STRONG. I AM FEARLESS. I am CANCER FREE!" -Theresa W, 9Rounder Tell us what makes you a FIGHTER in the comments below. #IAMAFIGHTER #IAM9ROUND

What is a FIGHTER? noun 1. a person with the will, courage, ability, or disposition to fight 2. a person who has determination 3. someone who refuses to be defeated even in the most difficult situations synonyms: Champion Competitor Victor Warrior a 9Rounder #IAMAFIGHTER #IAM9ROUND

Congratulations to our challenge winners this week, Natalie C with 13 sets and Tom "Morgy" who had 9 sets! Whoop!

Clear your mind of can't and repeat after us...

1. Do I need to be in shape before I start 9Round? Absolutely not. We love taking clients that have never worked out and getting them in the best shape of their lives. Our trainers will customize your workout to match your fitness level. Some members start by doing two or three rounds and work up to all nine. 2. Can I try the first workout for free? Yes, your first workout is always FREE. Give us a "test drive" and see if we are a good fit. Sign up for your free introductory workout at 3. Do I need any kickboxing experience? No. In fact, we love teaching new members. That's our job. Our trainers will guide you every step of the way to ensure you are doing the techniques properly. 4. Am I too old for this workout? We have members that are in their 70s. Our trainers will customize the workout based on your fitness level. We like to keep you sweating and smiling at 9Round. 5. How young do you take members? We have members as young as 10 years old. If the client is old enough and tall enough to hit the bags, we can let them join. This is a great program that parents and children can do together. Families that kick together, stick together. Ask your local 9Round about our family rates. 6. What equipment do I need? The first time you try the workout, we will let you borrow a pair of gloves. When you decide to join 9Round, you will get 9Round gloves and hand wraps for safety and support.

It doesn't get easier; you just get stronger.

If you like then you better put a ring (or three!) on it! How many rings did you give today?


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