Karate America Neptune Beach
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The Fox Without A Tail A Fox that had been caught in a trap, succeeded at last, after much painful tugging, in getting away. But he had to leave his beautiful bushy tail behind him. For a long time he kept away from the other Foxes, for he knew well enough that they would all make fun of him and crack jokes and laugh behind his back. But it was hard for him to live alone, and at last he thought of a plan that would perhaps help him out of his trouble. He called a meeting of all the Foxes, saying that he had something of great importance to tell the tribe. When they were, all gathered together, the Fox Without a Tail got up and made a long speech about those Foxes who had come to harm because of their tails. This one had been caught by hounds when his tail had become entangled in the hedge. That one had not been able to run fast enough because of the weight of his brush. Besides, it was well known, he said, that men hunt Foxes simply for their tails, which they cut off as prizes of the hunt. With such proof of the danger and uselessness of having a tail, said Master Fox, he would advise every Fox to cut it off, if he valued life and safety. When he had finished talking, an old Fox arose, and said, smiling: "Master Fox, kindly turn around for a moment, and you shall have your answer." When the poor Fox Without a Tail turned around, there arose such a storm of jeers and hooting, that he saw how useless it was to try any longer to persuade the Foxes to part with their tails. Do not listen to the advice of him who seeks to lower you to his own level.
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Putting down your burdens A long time ago in the hills of Quong Zu province, there once lived a revered old monk who was a master of Zen Buddhism. One day he decided that he would make a pilgrimage to a neighboring monastery, and not wishing to make the journey alone, he decided to take along one of his young disciples. They started their journey early the next morning and in the true spirit of Zen each walked along engrossed in his own thoughts, and so they journeyed for many hours without speaking. By mid-day they had come to a small stream and it was here that they noticed a young girl dressed in fine silk, obviously contemplating how best to cross the stream without getting her precious clothes wet. Immediately the old monk walked over to the young girl and in one smooth motion, he picked her up in his arms and walked out into the stream, then after carrying her safely to the other side, he gently put her down and walked on without having said a single word. His disciple having watched this whole incident was in a state of complete shock, for he knew it was strictly forbidden for a monk to come into physical contact with another person. Quickly, he too crossed the stream, and then ran to catch up with his master, and together they once again walked on in silence. Finally, at sunset they made camp and settled down for the night. The next morning after prayers and meditation the old monk and his disciple once again continued their journey, once again in silence. After many miles, and no longer able to contain his curiosity, the disciple called to his master and said, "Master may I ask you a question" ? "Of course you may" his master replied, "knowledge comes to those who seek it". Respectfully his disciple said, "yesterday I saw you break one of our most sacred vows when you picked up that young girl and carried her across the stream, how could you do such a thing" ? His master replied, "That is true, and you are right it is something I should not have done, but you are as guilty as I am" . "How so" asked his disciple, "for it was you who carried her across the stream not I" ? "I know" replied his master, "but at least on the other side I put her down". "You, however, are obviously still carrying her". Remember If you carry an unnecessary burden, put it down, your journey through life will be much easier without it.
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Self-confidence? ✓. Focus and concentration? ✓. Self-discipline? ✓. Self-defense? ✓. Martial arts gives your child all the tools they need to succeed in life. Discover 10 reasons why your child should take up martial arts right here: http://bit.ly/2qSXbm8
Give Your child a head start in life!
Martial Arts = increased success!
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Do Not Judge A man found that his axe was missing, and suspected his neighbor's son of having taken it. Observing the youth walking around, the man was convinced that his was the walk of a thief. The youth looked like a thief and talked like a thief; everything he did pointed to his having stolen the axe. Then one day the man happened to find his missing axe. After that, he noticed his neighbor's son wasn't behaving like a thief anymore.
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Skill trumps force!
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Break Free From Your Former Self!