City of Muskogee
This is the official Facebook page for the city of Muskogee.
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facebook.comMONARCH TAGGING EVENT Butterfly Papilion at Honor Heights Park Honor Heights Park, Muskogee, Oklahoma 74401 Saturday, September 23 at 10 A.M. - 2 P.M. Visitors - adults and children - will have the opportunity to assist Papilion staff with Monarch tagging as they learn more about the Monarch's fall migration and conservaton efforts. Papilion admission fees apply.
The Community Police Action Board (CPAB) in conjunction with AIM Safe and Secure will be hosting a Community Forum meeting on Thursday, September 14, starting at 6 P.M. at the MLK (Martin Luther King) Center located at 300 W Martin Luther King St. in Muskogee. There will be speakers from the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse Services on many subjects and services they and others have to provide to the community with a focus on suicide and its affects and prevention. There will also be a presentation from Rev. Coleman on Grief Care. • Free Food • Presentations These events are for the citizens in this community to gather some information from various resources and organizations in Muskogee, and to promote a positive relationship with the community and the Police Department in a one on one setting. Everyone is welcome to attend, and encouraged to have a one on one conversation with command staff and officers about any concerns they may have. Booths from several organizations will be setup, and members of each organization available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have and to supply information. More booth space is available for any organization that wishes to attend. The program will last approximately one hour with time to browse the informational booths and include a Q&A and refreshments.
Upcoming Events Sip and Shop Katy District-September 7, 5-8 p.m. on South Main Street Dance Dance Dance Party-September 7, 7 p.m. at the Roxy Theater Okie Active Youth Triathlon Bike/Swim/Run (6-14yrs)-September 9, 9 a.m.-Noon at River Country Water Park Main St. Muskogee Art Crawl & Summer Bash-September 9, Noon-4 p.m. on South Main Street Castle Zombie Run (Benefits Animal Shelter)-September 9, Noon at The Castle Warrior Fighting Series (Professional Boxing)-September 9, 3-7 p.m. at the Civic Center MPD Community Academy (Bilingual) Graduation-September 12, 6:30 p.m. at the MLKCC Optimist Fishing Derby-September 16, 9:15 a.m. at Honor Heights Pond Chamber Pep Rally and Tailgate-September 21, 5-7 Hunt's Green Space Gold Wing Motorcycle Rider Lighted Parade-September 29, 8:15 p.m., location TBA
Water Main Repair On Tuesday, September 5, 2017, water will be shut off along Court Street, from 10th-24th Streets to repair a 24" water main. About 40 residences in this area will be impacted. City crews are distributing door hangers and fliers today to those homes that will be without water on Tuesday.
Main Street Muskogee Art Crawl Set for September 9 For amazing artwork of all kinds, visit Muskogee’s 2nd annual Art Crawl on Saturday, September 9, from 12-7 p.m. Main Street will enthrall you with vendors offering everything from artistic works on canvas, in iron, wood and leather. There will be artists, bakers, florists, jewelry makers, musicians, photographers, food trucks and more, according to organizers. “We have dozens of artists lined up plus live musicians, food trucks, and kids’ activities,” said Ashley Wilbourn, Muskogee director of tourism. “Last year was an enormous success for both vendors and attendees, so we are bringing it back. We had 30 vendors and about 500 attendees, so this year we’ve extended it into an all-day event (12-7) and will be blocking off South Main Street to accommodate vendors and visitors. “Some of the attractions so far include face painting, a live spray painter, wooden furniture, glass yard décor, jewelry, canvas artists, photographers, unique graphic tees, amateur and professional canvas artists, essential oils, and we are expecting many more.” The event is still accepting vendor forms through September 5th, and the fee is $25. More information can be found on the Muskogee Art Crawl Facebook page. “We are so excited to be bringing a successful event back to Main Street this year. Promoting a sense of community pride and a family friendly atmosphere are our mission,” Wilbourn said. For questions or further information, please contact: Nick Wilks (254) 458-7399 or and Ashley Wilbourn at (918) 869-3785 or
The City of Muskogee Public Works offices will close for the Labor Day holiday. To observe Labor Day, offices will be closed on Monday, September 4, 2017. During this time, Residential and Commercial trash pickup will not be available, but will resume Tuesday, September 5. Due to this closure, pickup will be delayed one day behind regular schedule. The Refuse Route will be delayed until Saturday, September 9, 2017. There will be no yard waste pickup during this time. The Recycle Drop-off Center located at 120 Iola, will also be closed Monday, September 4, 2017 in observance of Labor Day. The Office of Public Works appreciates your understanding and cooperation during this time. For more information, call the Public Works office at 918-684-6333.
9-11-2017 WALK TO REMEMBER The Eighth Annual WALK TO REMEMBER will be held September 9th at 3pm. The walk will begin with a short presentation in the parking lot of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center where it will start then go through the Arrowhead Mall and down to the Muskogee Little Theatre and then back to the MLK Center. The event which remembers the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks also celebrates the heroic work of the First Responders (police and fire personnel) and the members of the U.S. military who died that day, and the work their ‘brothers in arms’ continue to do today. The attack which cost the lives of more than 3000 U.S. citizens was the largest terrorist attack on U.S. soil. The first 9-11 WALK TO REMEMBER held in Oklahoma, and one of the first in the Nation, also remembers Muskogeean, Major Ron Milam, the only Oklahoman who lost his life that day at the Pentagon. Remembered as a “positive”, “energetic”, “patriotic” person and a “warm and generous son and brother” Milam was a hero to many long before he lost his life that Tuesday in 2001. The ‘Walk’, while remembering the solemnity of the moment, has morphed into a heartwarming and upbeat celebration of “Courage”, “Sacrifice”, “Heroism” and “Life”. Fruit, pastries, water and Gatorade will be provided for the walkers. There is no cost to participate but donations for the Blue Star Mothers are encouraged for any who are able. Bike riders are welcome.
Upcoming Events School Starts - Hilldale and Muskogee, Aug 17, 2017 Community Blood Drive - August 18, 2017, 1030 a.m.-530 p.m. at MLKCC Beast Feast - August 19, 2017, 4 p.m. at Muskogee Civic Center River Rumba Cardboard Boat Regatta - August 25, 2017, Noon-9 p.m. at Three Forks Harbor Gala of the Royal Horses - August 25, 2017, 7 p.m. at the Muskogee Civic Center Naval Chief Petty Officer Heritage Academy - August 26-28, 2017 at the USS Batfish
In 2012, Ctizens from Muskogee joined their voices to create Action In Muskogee – AIM Those voices are guiding the future of our City MUCH HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED! You are invited to come hear about the work that has been done join us: Thursday, August 24, 5:30 p.m. Martin Luther King Community Center {light meal will be provided} “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” – Helen Keller
We have a broken water line at 48th and Emporia. It is an 8” line that has blown out. All water distribution crews are on site to repair this line. About 10-12 houses along 48th Street are out of water service until the repair is complete. This is a difficult repair as it is near a high pressure gas main. We will have the repair made as soon as possible.