Gospel Rescue Mission
The Gospel Rescue Mission, Inc. is a 501/c/3 non-profit corporation whose stated purpose is to maintain a benevolent and charitable program for the needy. The Mission exists for the sole purpose of proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through the practice of radical hospitality to those of its community who are destitute, hungry, homeless, abused, and addicted, both as a catalyst for life-transformation in Christ Jesus and as a fundamental expression of Christian faith.
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facebook.comGRM is more than a shelter. We are helping individuals and families overcome the stigma and paid of addiction. Doorways of Hope is impacting lives. Support GRM services by donating to http://ow.ly/DCSS30eAQIh
Tier 2: Helping folks that need help only 1-2 a year overcome poverty. Doorways helps men, women and families overcome addiction so that they can discover stability.
Part of the basic service GRM offer is food for the hungry. 3 meals a day. In order to continue this service we need your help. Consider a donation of any amount today. http://ow.ly/DCSS30eAQIh
#grmlifechange: Overcoming Regret http://ow.ly/Hb6A30escZh
GRM is more than a shelter. We are helping individuals and families overcome the stigma and paid of addiction. Doorways of Hope is impacting lives. Support GRM services by donating to http://ow.ly/DCSS30eAQIh
Since 1931 GRM has been STEADFAST in their desire to help men and women RISE above poverty. Join the quest! http://ow.ly/ku7p30esczd
It's Labor day so we should be thinking about work. We are looking forward to introducing employers to their future employees. Message us to get more information.
GRM is more than a handout. Our shelter is training men and women life and work skills so that they can get back on track. Support GRM services by donating to http://ow.ly/DCSS30eAQIh
GRM strives to live above reproach. Check out our transparency page to follow all of our revenue and expenses, see what our community receives for their investment into GRM. http://ow.ly/9Ttg30escer
It's a beautiful golden morning in Wagoner. Enjoy your day of worship and rest, wherever you are.
Open to the public! Anyone who is hiring or is looking for work we want you to meet. Message GRM to get more information!
More than a shelter: A basic service GRM offer is food for the hungry. 3 meals a day. In order to continue this service we need your help. Consider a donation of any amount today. http://ow.ly/DCSS30eAQIh