KD Market - Mt. Prospect
Your Local Value Grocer!
KD Market’s mission is to be the most outstanding local value grocer,by offering: pleasant shopping experience,the freshest,fresh departments, simple tasty cuisine and technology to serve our customers and and associates better. Your Local Value Grocer!
From our humble beginnings, 19 years ago, as a 1200 sq.ft. Polish deli, we have been growing and adapting to ever exceed expectations and improve our ability to satisfy our customers . Recently, we have been transitioning from being an ethnic market towards becoming, your local grocery value alternative. We strive to constantly improve and will not stop until we are your best local value grocery option. Come and visit and try our produce, deli, meats, bakery, frozen, dairy, dry goods, and liquor departments.
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facebook.com#Chlebśląski na zakwasie. Silesian sourdough #bread is shaped by hand and raised in a banneton. We make an incredible #sourdoughstarter from scratch. This delicious bread is made from #speltflour, whole wheat flour, medium rye flour, potato flakes, yeast, salt and water. Spelt, an ancient cereal grain has a nutty, slightly sweet flavor. Just $0.99/ each at #mykdmarket in Mt.Prospect. Sale ends 04.22.2018. KD Market Mt.Prospect, 1046 S.Elmhurst Rd #polishfoodisgood #polishbread
Share the news! #Flowers are a colorful way to celebrate any occasion! Fresh flowers now available at KD Market Mt. Prospect! Whether you are celebrating a birthday, the birth of a child or honoring an anniversary #mykdmarket has the flowers for you. #donotforgetwine KD Market, 1046 S Elmhurst Rd
Buying #organic is easy and affordable. #FullCircle means delicious organic food to nourish your inside. Full Circle mission has always been to offer #thebestfood nature has to offer. Pure #health and happiness. Check out best-of-nature foods you can afford. #mykdmarket Mt. Prospect 1046 S Elmhurst Rd
#EatMoreColors! Fruits and #vegetables tend to be low in calories so they can help you manage your weight while still filling you up, thanks to the #fiber and water they contain. Replacing higher-calorie foods with #fruits and veggies is an easy first step to a #healthier eating plan. They can be eaten raw or cooked, whole or chopped, and alone or in combination with other foods. Sale ends: April 10th, 2018 #mykdmarket Mount Prospect 1046 S Elmhurst Rd
#Celebrate our 20th anniversary with us!
We tolerate a little #Spring rain in order to enjoy the #sunshine that follows! #HappyEaster from our family to yours! Aby te święta wielkanocne wniosły do Waszych serc wiosenną #radość i świeżość, pogodę ducha, #spokój, ciepło i nadzieję. Radosnych Swiąt Wielkanocnych! #mykdmarket #easterwishes
We love our made from scratch Easter #babeczki!
#Wielkanoc is almost here! Delicious deviled eggs are a must-have on #Easter Sunday! #mykdmarket 1046 S Elmhurst Rd Mount Prospect #KDMarket #polishfoodisgood #chicagobest
#Polish soups are some of #thebest in the world, with a wide variety of flavors to enjoy. In many Polish homes, zurek is a traditional food eaten during #Easter holidays. #Żurek is a creamy, smoky, garlicky and tiny bit sour in taste. However, this is not like the sour taste of lemon. Zurek is much more delicate. #Poland is known for this fragrant soup. Pieces of cooked #fresh #sausage, hardboiled #egg make it extra appealing and fragrant. This great Polish soup is often eaten with some fresh #homemadebread. At #mykdmarket we make our zurek from scratch. We use only simple and natural ingredients. #nopreservatives #noartificialadditives #mykdmarket #polishfoodisgood #KDMarket Mount Prospect 1046 S Elmhurst Rd