Top Local Places

First Presbyterian Church/Monongahela

609 Chess St, Monongahela, United States
Church/religious organization



First Presbyterian Church is located at
609 Chess Street in Monongahela.

The Pastors of First Presbyterian Church are Reverend Sharon Woomer and Reverend Mark Woomer.  

Sunday School begins at 9:15 a.m. followed by our Sunday service  at 10:30 a.m.

Other Staff Members include:
Jacqueline Elton, Administrative Assistant
Susan J. Watkins, Organist and Choir Director
Lynn Matusik, Financial Assistant
Vickie Neidermeyer, Custodian

Session Committee and Deacon Members include:
Diana Mason, Clerk of Session
Jeff Alvarez, Moderator of the Deacons
Beth Backus, Chairperson, Stewardship & Finance Committee
Sherwyn Repp, Chairperson, Worship/Discipleship
Ron Watkins, Chairperson, Mission Committee
Lisa Seal, Chairperson, Personnel Committee
Brian Charlton, Chairperson, Buildings & Grounds Committee
Maureen Lusk, Chairperson, Evangelism Committee
Marion Segursky, Chairperson, Membership Committee
Clare Guffey, Clothes Closet Ministry
Natalie Alvarez & Dana Hadsell, Vacation Bible School Leaders

