First Presbyterian Church/Monongahela
First Presbyterian Church is located at
609 Chess Street in Monongahela.
The Pastors of First Presbyterian Church are Reverend Sharon Woomer and Reverend Mark Woomer.
Sunday School begins at 9:15 a.m. followed by our Sunday service at 10:30 a.m.
Other Staff Members include:
Jacqueline Elton, Administrative Assistant
Susan J. Watkins, Organist and Choir Director
Lynn Matusik, Financial Assistant
Vickie Neidermeyer, Custodian
Session Committee and Deacon Members include:
Diana Mason, Clerk of Session
Jeff Alvarez, Moderator of the Deacons
Beth Backus, Chairperson, Stewardship & Finance Committee
Sherwyn Repp, Chairperson, Worship/Discipleship
Ron Watkins, Chairperson, Mission Committee
Lisa Seal, Chairperson, Personnel Committee
Brian Charlton, Chairperson, Buildings & Grounds Committee
Maureen Lusk, Chairperson, Evangelism Committee
Marion Segursky, Chairperson, Membership Committee
Clare Guffey, Clothes Closet Ministry
Natalie Alvarez & Dana Hadsell, Vacation Bible School Leaders