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St. Leo The Great Roman Catholic Church

218 1st St SE, Minot, United States
Catholic Church



Founded in 1886, in Minot, North Dakota.
Pastor- Father Justin Waltz
Parochial Vicar- Father Jadyn Nelson
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 4:00 p.m
Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m

Weekday Masses
DAILY MASSES –Tuesday – Friday 8:00AM

Rosary prayed at 7:45 a.m. – Tuesday - Friday

CONFESSIONS are heard at 7:30am Tuesday - Friday; and Saturdays from 2:00 – 3:30pm and after Mass by request, or by appointment.


If you are available to help set up chairs and tables for tonight's event, we are meeting in the church parking lot at 3:30pm! We would appreciate the help!

Our staff is battling Strep Throat but will return to the office on Wednesday. We're sorry for any inconvenience.

THEOLOGY ON TAP BONFIRE We will be kicking off the Theology on Tap year with a bonfire in the church parking lot on Friday, September 29th at 7PM. Wear your hoodies and bring your blankets! We are looking for people who are willing to donate already chopped firewood, as well as brats, buns, and s’mores supplies. If you’re willing to bring anything please contact Sarah at the parish office.

Fr. Justin shares his home brewed beer, and theological wisdom with us over bonfires and food!

It's Officially Bonfire Season!

Some Parish Announcements: If you haven’t used the CCD program and your children are in grades k-9 please call Beverly at the parish office or sign up on the website. Fr. Waltz’s RCIA classes will begin on September 13th at 6PM in the Bishop Ryan Library. We will have a second collection this weekend (September 2&3) to to assist in the Catholic Home Mission. There will be a second collection next weekend (September 9&10) to help aid the victims of Hurricane Harvey. If you plan to write a check, please write the check out to St. Leo’s with “HURRICANE HARVEY” in the memo line. The Parish office will be closed Monday for Labor Day. There is scrip for sale in the back of the church after every Mass.

This weekend we will have a Special Collection for the Catholic Home Mission, there are envelopes in the pews to turn into the collection baskets!

Brenton Biggs Photography

The Mass Times for the Assumption of Mary on August 15th are: 8AM, 12:15PM and 6PM.
