Castaldi's Market
Castaldi's is a long-standing, local, family run grocery store. A local favorite for pizza, sandwiches, stromboli and, of course, Mikey's sausage! Whether you need to pick up bread and milk on your way home, grab some scratch-off tickets or daily number, or if you need to get your cut to order steaks, this is the place.
Order your take-away lunch ahead of time if you're in a rush. Or order at the counter if you've got time to hang around.
Call, email or inbox us if you want copies of lunch or catering menus sent to you.
Tell your friends
RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS🇺🇸 We will be closed July 4th and July 5th.
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Dear Friends and Neighbors, The Minooka Lions Club is holding their annual fundraiser to benefit local autism programs and is looking for your help. All proceeds from the fundraiser will go to the following: • The Friendship House Autism Program • Allied Services Pediatrics/Autism • Parents Loving Children Through Autism • Minooka Lions Club Autism Foundation Tickets are $20 per person and includes appetizers, beverages, and entertainment .Tickets will be available at the door, but can be purchased in advance. To advertise in our program or to purchase tickets in advance, please print the attached link on this page and return no later than April 17th. For program: include ad and/or business card. Checks made payable to: Minooka Lions Autism Awareness Foundation PO Box 4075 Scranton, Pa 18505 or email: If you are interested in providing a theme basket for our raffle, please contact: Michelle Dorunda - 570-466-3600 If your business or family can provide a service or product for our event, please call or text: Al Dorunda Jr. 570-498-3311 or email: Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you at the event! The Minooka Lions Autism Awareness Committee
"Forget Me Not" Walk
Castaldi's Market offers lunch, catering and company in Minooka
Thank you, Jeff Horvath, for this great article about our store. Thank you, Beverly, for thinking of us.
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Enjoy your holiday!
Minooka Lions Club 11th Annual Autism Awareness Night
Our Minooka Lions are always busy! Come out and join us for this fantastic fundraiser. Tickets are available from Mikey's (Castaldi's Market) or ask a Lions member. Donations of food or raffle prizes always appreciated.
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