Spare Key
Spare Key provides housing grant assistance to families in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin with sick or injured kids in the hospital. Spare Key has been helping families "Bounce and not Break" since 1997. Since our founding, we've helped over 2,100 families families with the gift of time — allowing them to spend time with their seriously ill or critically injured child while we support them with rental and mortgage grant payments.
Families must meet the following criteria:
1. Be a homeowner who is current on their mortgage, or in limited cases, we can assist those who are up to 60 days behind in their mortgage.
2. Live in the state of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, or Wisconsin.
3. The child must be under 19 years of age.
4. Family must display a loss in income or increase in expenses.
5. Child must be in the hospital 14 out of the past 90 days.
If you, or someone you know needs Spare Key's services, please contact our office directly.
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