Laker Pride - Walnut Township Schools
Walnut Township Local Schools: Our Schools, Our Community.
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Please note that due to the large number of students being gone on Tuesday, band will be canceled. Help spread the word!
Laker Pride - Walnut Township Schools's cover photo
THANK YOU voters!! You care about our kids!
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Is your child going into 7th or 12th grade? There are new requirements for the meningococcal vaccine for both grades as this is a NEW vaccine for both grades that are needed for school. Kids must have documentation to the school prior to the first day of classes on August 17th or else they can be excluded. Parents are urged to contact their health provider or the health department at or call 1-800-282-0546.
Photos from Laker Pride - Walnut Township Schools's post
This month's Know! newsletter focuses on, "E-Cigs, Vape Pens, and Throat Hits - Oh My!" Visit the link below to access the archive of Know! tips.
Don't forget to vote! Interesting facts: *Currently tax payers are paying $55.13 per $100,000. *If the renewal is passed, tax payers will pay $52.06 per $100,000 due to higher valuations and the capped amount at the time the levy originally passed. *If the levy does not pass either in August or November it will be considered a new levy, and tax payers will have to pay $59.50 per $100,000 as they will lose tax credits due to new state law.
August 2, 2016 Special Election Early Voting Hours Saturday, July 30th - 8 am to 4 pm Sunday, July 31st - 1 pm to 5 pm Monday, August 1st - 8 am to 2 pm
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August 2, 2016 Special Election Early Voting Hours Monday thru Friday, July 25th to 29th - 8 am to 7 pm Saturday, July 30th - 8 am to 4 pm Sunday, July 31st - 1 pm to 5 pm Monday, August 1st - 8 am to 2 pm
Timeline Photos
Don't forget to exercise your right to vote! Here are a few interesting facts to share regarding the levy RENEWAL that will be on the ballot. *Currently tax payers are paying $55.13 per $100,000. *If the renewal is passed, tax payers will pay $52.06 per $100,000 due to higher valuations and the capped amount at the time the levy originally passed. *If the levy does not pass either in August or November it will be considered a new levy, and tax payers will have to pay $59.50 per $100,000 as they will lose tax credits due to new state law.
Photos from Laker Pride - Walnut Township Schools's post
Here is some more information about how to take care of all health requirements prior to school starting with the Fairfield Department of Health Adolescent Back to School Clinics.