Phi Mu at GCSU
Love. Honor.Truth Because the word “sorority” was not commonly used when Phi Mu was chartered, its proper name is Phi Mu Fraternity even though it is a women’s organization.
Phi Mu has chapters across the United States and nearly 150,000 collegiate and alumnae members. All Phi Mus have different college experiences, but we all share a bond of sisterhood. We all believe in the ideals of our Creed: Love, Honor, and Truth.
The Gamma Sigma Chapter of Phi Mu was the first sorority on Georgia College's campus in 1973.
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facebook.comDance Marathon 2017
$36,440.77 is the total our Phi Mu girls raised for Dance Marathon this year!! We had the best time yesterday learning dances, hearing miracle stories, and lots of lip syncing!! Thanks to all of our girls for making yesterday the best 12 hours at Dance Marathon!
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Phi Mu is thrilled to be participating in GC Miracle's Dance Marathon this Saturday, April 1st. Georgia College Miracle is an outstanding organization that raises money to donate towards our local Children's Miracle Network, and this year all of the funds raised will go towards building a brand new hospital in Macon, GA. We especially hold this cause close to our hearts because Children's Miracle Network is also our philanthropy. As an organization, we strive to raise over $20,000 for CMN this year! Last year, GC Miracle raised $124,000, and this year they hope to raise $175,000. However, they cannot do this without the support of the Georgia College Community. We are currently in competition with the other fraternities and sororities through a banner war to see who can raise the most money based on their banner. We support the Kid's all year through our various philanthropy events; however, we are so excited to "get wild for the life of a child" this Saturday at Dance Marathon! If you feel so inclined, please use the link below to donate to this worthy cause! Any donation is so appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration, and remember to always do it FTK! #forthekids
Phi Mu at GCSU's cover photo
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Happy #mumonday from your Zaxby's lovin exec!!
Phi Mu at GCSU
Phi Mu at GCSU's cover photo
Phi Mu Homecoming 2017
VOTE Chaney Schumacher and Taylor Slayton for Georgia College Homecoming Queen & Duchess 📹: Nick Wiedemann
Welcome to the Jungle Social
Thank you so much to the men of KA for another super fun social! Our girls had so much fun!
Pi Kapp Social
Our girls had so much fun kicking off our spring semester socials with Pi Kapp! Looking forward to our social this week with KA!
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Happy #MuMonday!! How could a Monday be dull when you have sisters like these?! We are all so thankful for Phi Mu for giving us the most beautiful sisters inside and out and for all the opportunities it provides us with❤️
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We wish you all a Merry Christmas and very happy holidays with all your loved ones!!
We hope finals are going as smoothly as they can for everyone and wishing safe travels to all going home for break!!