Finesse Salon
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facebook.comi was Born with a Blessin & im too Blessed to be $tressin..🙏🏽💯💸..ask for Diva Dei so your Crown ill be Finessin😉🌹670~0025 salon# or 323~8898 my cell
aaay Ladies ..u want a short do..let Tiff the Stylist hook u up with a Quik Weave too😉 670~0025ask for Tiff
cant forget about the kids..lovin what i do ..hit me up if your lil diva need a new do😉ask for Dei 323~8898 or messege
natural hair?? Lemme Finesse u😉messege me & ask for Diva or Dei😉
(i do not own the rights to this song) Hello Hello Hello😉saay Ladies if u missed my Christmas Specials here are just a few more that u can take Advantage of before the New Year ..the Special Rates Begin today 12~26~17 & will end 12~31~17 @ 12pm *Partial Sew~ins75$ *Quik Weaves45$ *Crotchets (prelooped)65$ Silk Press 40$(natural hair) Flat iron25$(must have relaxed hair) (2) feed~in braids 25$ Block Braids 85$ (i supply all braids hair)& (i will wash hair) call 670-0025 or text 323~8898 )professional & licensed Stylist (Diva Dei)to service u at Finesse Salon in a Secluded one on one setting..see ya soon😉
aaay Ladiiies ..get at me..reason being im extending my two feed~in braid special 25$ from now until12~31~17 @ 670-0025 or text 323-8898😉Finesse ya soon
aaaaay ladies guess what Diva dei has openings all next week get in where u fit in 😉call 670~0025 or text 323~8898 thanx
Dont miss out on this 💣Deal..UnBelievable yea UnBeweavable😊 Sew~ins65$ Feed~ins35$ QuikWeaves45$ Contact Diva Dei 670~0025⭐️
Contact me Diva Dei ..August 28th ~ Sept 1st my Partial Sew~ins will be 60$ opposed to my regular 95$ price..670~0025 salon or 323~8898 cell
contact me Dei ..Danisha available 7days aweek 670-0025 salon #